Table of Contents

 API Healthcare Assistant Online Help
Expand Getting Started in Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling
Collapse Employee Quick Guide Step-by-Step Directions
   Expand Entering Vacation or Unavailability Requests
   Expand Scheduling Topics
   Expand Time and Attendance Topics
   Collapse Self Scheduling Topics
       Adding a Self Scheduled Shift
       Editing a Self Scheduled Shift
       Deleting a Self Scheduled Shift
       Canceling a Shift Trade
       Trading a Schedule - Legacy
      Collapse Trading a Schedule - Monthly View
       Offering a Shift
       Accepting an Offered Shift
   Expand Education Tracking Topics
   Expand Other Action Topics
Expand Supervisor/Manager Quick Guide Step-by-Step Procedures
Expand Education Tracking Manager Quick Guide Step-by-Step Procedures
Expand Home Page
Expand Quick Badge Section
Expand Employee Section
Expand Configuration Section
Expand Reports Section
Expand Actions Section
Expand Preferences Section
Expand Help
 Log Out
Expand Feature Setup Instructions
Expand Glossary of Terms