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Quick Badge Section

The Quick Badge section displays a screen for authorized employees to quickly enter clocking information into the system.

When the record is saved, An informational message is generated, indicating the date and time the clocking was submitted.

Note: For more information, see Entering a Clocking Using Quick Badge.

If a critical message is generated due to an expired license or education requirement, the employee may be unable to enter a clocking through this screen.

The reason for the "lockout" can be viewed on the Home page>My Unread Messages card or in the Actions section>Employee card>Messages screen. Contact the appropriate supervisor to resolve the issue.

Note: The fields that are displayed on this screen are previously selected in the Configuration section>System card>Transaction Definition screen>Prompt Definition section where the Application Code field is set to QUICKBADGE. Not all options listed below may be displayed.

Note: Application Indicator System Standard 19 determines whether or not the labor distribution associated with a transaction is changed when a Quick Code is added to a transaction or a code already assigned to the transaction is changed. When this indicator is set to "N" (default), the labor distribution on the transaction is not changed. When set to "Y", the labor distribution is replaced with the labor distribution values associated with the Quick Code.

Amount (Dollars)

The dollar value associated with the transaction, if applicable.


The code of the grant included in this clocking, if applicable.


The number of working hours for this clocking. This value can be entered as whole and/or decimal hours, for example 8.50.

Note: The system automatically adds the decimal hours if whole hours are added. For example, if the employee enters 8, the system converts this to 8.00. If the employee enters 8.5, the system converts this to 8.50.

The Hours field is used when an employee does not have a schedule and uses a special code, such Low Census (LC). If LC is used, the system bases it on the employee’s Daily Hours. So if employees are working shifts with a length different than their Daily Hour values, they need to indicate the correct shift length in order to get paid properly. For example, you get called off due to low census. You are normally an 8-hour employee but you were working a 10 hour shift, enter 10 in the Hour field to receive the extra 2 hours of low census pay.

Job Class

The employee job work assignment for this clocking..

Organization Unit

The appropriate organization unit code for this clocking. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon the corporate structure.

Pay Group

The pay group assignment of this clocking, if applicable.


The code that indicates the organization and job class assignment for the employee.


The code of the project included in this clocking, if applicable.

Quick Code

A code set up for the employee to quickly enter a clocking transaction using a single value, rather than going through all the prompts.

The options available in this field are either automatically created from records in the employee's Labor Distribution screen or manually entered in the employee's Quick Codes screen.

Special Code 1 - 5

Select one or more applicable special codes from the Field Look Up Values in the right pane. These special codes indicate circumstances where regular processing rules are overridden.

Start/End Time

The time of this clocking. The system calculations process determines whether this is an in punch (Start Time) or out punch (End Time).

The Start/End Time field is used when an employee does not have a schedule and uses a special code, such Low Census (LC). If an employee is supposed to start at 06:00 but is told to come in later, such as 08:00 due to low census, they enter 06:00 in order to receive 2 hours of low census pay. Or if the employee is getting sent home early because of low census, then the employee enters the end time of the shift to get paid the correct amount.