Organization Unit
The Organization Unit screen is where the individual structure levels within the corporation are set up and displayed. These organization units are used to define the screen values (such as job class, pay codes, activity codes, etc.) and processing rules that apply to employees who are assigned to the organization unit.
The names of each of the organization unit levels is defined for each client. Within this documentation, these are referred to generically as "organization unit"; however, the field labels visible on the screen will reflect the actual organization unit names.
There can be up to nine organization unit structure levels in the system. Each organization unit is assigned to an Organization Level to determine the hierarchy within the structure the organization unit belongs. Organization units that are set up at a structure level directly below another organization unit are considered to be a "child" of the higher-level organization unit. Note: For more information, see Organization Unit Parent/Child Relationships.
There are three main organization unit levels that are used with the Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling applications. These three levels are referred to in this documentation as the "Trunk", "Branch", and "Leaf" organization unit levels. The first two levels are required, the third level is optional. These three levels do not have to be sequential; there may be additional structure levels in between.
Note: When the Organization Link Levels are set up with initial shipment of the system, these three levels are assigned by Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling. They are visible in the Configuration section>Organization Unit card>Organization Link Levels screen, but are not editable.
The following Organization Unit sections are available in the left pane:
Displays the general information set up for this organization unit.
Opens a screen to add, edit, view or delete payroll factors assigned to this organization unit.
Opens a screen to configure the access roles for this organization. This determines which screens and processes the employees in this organization unit are able to access.
Calculation Rules Hierarchy
Opens a screen to select the processing rules and set the priority order for processing.
Device Assignments
Opens a screen to authorize input devices to be used by employees in this organization unit
Pay Codes UDF Categories
Opens a screen to view the pay code categories used by this organization unit. The fields are editable to change the code, description or active status.
Productivity Coverage Sets
Opens a screen to add, edit, or view the coverage set used in productivity tracking and reporting.
Sign Off Agreements
Opens a screen to enter a message to be displayed when an employee signs off on his/her time card. The button labels are also named here.
Action Buttons
Click on the Add button to open a screen to configure a new record.
Complete the following steps to add a new record:
- Click on the Add button in the left pane. The corresponding New Record screen is displayed.
- Enter data in applicable fields. The fields with an asterisk are required and must be completed before the record can be saved.
- Fields that require specific values display
Field Look Up Values in the right pane. If there is no right pane, the
List Selector icon is displayed to the right of a field to open a listing of valid values.The List Selector icon opens a screen to select valid options for a specific field. Depending on the field, the values on this list may be set up on the corresponding configuration screen, or may be standard or client-defined values in the system.
Click on the icon to the right of a field to open the List Selector screen. Click the selected value to load it to the field.
Note: This listing option is used in screens when the right pane is not available to display the Field Look Up Values.
If specific values are required for a field, valid options may be displayed in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane. Usually, these values are previously set up on the corresponding Configuration screen. Scroll down the list to find the required value using the vertical scroll bar to the right of the list.
Note: If the first few characters are typed into the field, the list automatically scrolls to the values beginning with the corresponding values.
Screens that do not have a right pane available have the list selector icon to open a listing of valid values. Click this icon to open the list.
Note: Organization Unit information may need to be entered before values are displayed. For example, when accessing a Job Class field, the job class options available are linked to specific organization units. The organization unit where job classes are created must be entered before the options are displayed.
- Fields that require specific standard response values (for example, Yes/No) display a
Drop-Down Menu arrow to open a list of valid options.If specific standard values are required for a field, valid options may be displayed in a Drop Down Menu. These are usually standard options, or may be client defined. The values are not accessible through a configuration screen.
Click on the drop down menu arrow to display the options.
- Fields that require date values display a calendar in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane. If there is no right pane, the
Date Selector icon is displayed to open a calendar to select a date. Date values can also be typed in.When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
- If there are Indicator and/or Parameter tabs, these must be configured as well. Default values are displayed for all indicator settings (and selected parameter settings), but may be changed for this record. For more information on indicator and parameter settings, the Configuration section>System card>Indicators screen and Parameters screen. See also the Rules and Parameters Specification documentation.
- Depending on the screen being set up, there may also be additional Section buttons in the left pane. Click on the buttons to open and configure those additional screens.
- When all screens have been completed, click on the Save button to save the new record values.
Note: For more information and screen prints, see Adding a New Record.
The Advanced search is used to find records that are children under the structure level of the entered organization unit. For example, if values are filled in down to level 5, the results list includes all structure levels 6-9 that meet the entered criteria.
When the Single button is selected, the search results list the specific organization unit.
The Audits button in the left pane opens a screen to view changes to records in the open page. The audit trail displays information on additions, edits and deletions, including the date and time the change was made, the type of change (inserted, updated, deleted), the description of the change, the name of the person making the change, and the original and new values.
The audit records can be grouped and sorted by one of the following options: application, audit date, audit description, classification, or who modified. To change the sort, click the drop down arrow near the Group By field in the Audit List Actions to open the record, then select the grouping from the list.
Group by Application
Groups the audit records by the application where the changes were made.
Group by Audit Date
Groups all the audits by the date when changes were made.
Group by Audit Description
Groups the audit report by the description of the edits that were made.
Group by Classification
Groups the audit records by whether the record was inserted, updated, or deleted.
Group by Who Modified
Groups the audit records by the user who made the updates.
When the Single button is selected, the search results list a specific organization unit included in the search criteria.
The Advanced search is used to find records that are children under the structure level of the selected organization unit. For example, if values are filled in down to level 5, the results list includes all structure levels 6-9 that meet the entered criteria.
Record Management
Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available. Note: The options listed below are not available for some screens.
Adding a New Record
Authorized users can Add a New Record by completing the following steps:
- Click on the Add button in the left pane to open a configuration screen.
- Enter data in all applicable fields. The fields with an asterisk are required and must be completed before the record can be saved.
- If specific values are required for a field, the valid options are available in one of the following:
- The Field Look Up Values are displayed in the right pane. In most cases, the values available have been previously entered on the related configuration screen.
- The List Selector icon to the right of a field opens a listing of valid values for a field. In most cases, the values available have been previously entered on the related configuration screen.
- The Drop Down Menu arrow to the right of a field opens a menu of valid options for a field. In most cases, the values available are standard core values.
- A Date Selector Calendar is available in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane for date fields. If there is no right pane, the Date Selector icon is displayed to the right of the field.
- Use the online help features for information on configuration of the screen.
- For information on specific fields, highlight the field with the cursor to view the short Help text in the right pane.
- To open the documentation to find more information for the related page, click on the Help icon in the tool bar or click on More... in the right pane after the short help.
- If there are Indicator and/or Parameter tabs, these must be configured as well. Default values are displayed for the indicator settings, but may be changed for this record. For more information see the Configuration section>System card>Indicator screen and/or Parameter screen.
- After entering information, Save the record. The system does a validation to make sure the information entered is valid for the field (e.g. numbers must be entered in numeric fields, fields with look up values must match the options displayed, etc.)
- The Audits tab is now displayed with information on the entered record.
Note: For more information, see Adding a New Record in the Help section>Record Management.
Editing a Record
Authorized users can make Edits to add or update information in existing records.
- Using the Search page selection criteria, search for all the records to be updated.
- To select one or more record, click the box to the left of each record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.and select them by checking the box to the left of the record.
- To open the record you wish to view first, click its folder. All other selected records can be viewed by scrolling, using the right and left arrows in the Navigator section of the left pane.
- Highlight the field(s) to be updated with the cursor and enter the information.
- If the field is grayed out, that field is not editable.
- If specific values are required for a field, the valid options are available in one of the following:
The Field Look Up Values are displayed in the right pane.
The List Selector icon to the right of a field opens a listing of valid values for a field from the related configuration screen.
The Drop Down Menu arrow to the right of a field opens a menu of valid options for a field.
A Calendar is available in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane for date fields. If there is no right pane, the Date Selector icon is displayed.
- For information on specific fields, view the short Help text in the right pane.
- The Indicator and/or Parameter tabs can also be updated. Click on the tab to open and edit the values. For more information see the Configuration section>System card>Indicator screen and/or Parameter screen.
- After entering information, Save the record. The system does a validation to make sure the information entered is valid for the field (e.g. numbers must be entered in numeric fields, fields with look up values must match the options displayed, etc.)
- The Audits tab displays information on the edits made to the record.
Note: For more information, see Editing a Record in the Help section>Record Management.
Opening and Viewing a Record
To Open and View existing records, complete the following steps:
- Using the Search page selection criteria, search for all the records to be viewed.
- To select one or more record, click the box to the left of each record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
- To open the record you wish to view first, click its folder. All other selected records are also available.
- To view all other selected records, scroll to the previous record or to the next record using the navigation arrows.
- For records displayed in a list format, click the card arrow on a record to open and view it.
Note: For more information, see Opening and Viewing a Record in the Help section>Record Management screen.
Replacing Record Values
Authorized users can use the Replace feature to update multiple selected records at the same time with the same field information or the same indicator and/or parameter values. Note: Not all screens have the Replace feature available.
- Using the Search page selection criteria, search for all the records to be updated. Multiple searches can be conducted to build a results list.
- To select one or more record, click on the box to the left of each record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
- Click on the Replace button in the left pane.
A screen is displayed with all replaceable fields showing as read only.
- Check the box to the left of a field to be updated. The field is then enabled.
- Enter the new information in the field.
- Update any additional fields in all tabs.
- Values in the Indicator and Parameter tabs can also be updated by entering values in each field.
- To reset all the values back to the previously saved ones, click on the Reset button. Note: Once the records have been saved, the values cannot be reset to the previous values. They would have to be re-entered as updated values, following steps 1-10.
- Click on the Save button to save the changes.
- All selected records are now updated, with the new information replacing the old information in the selected fields.
Note: For more information, see Replacing Record Values under the Help section>Record Management.
Searching for a Record
The Search page is the default page when a screen is opened. This screen is used to filter criteria when searching for a specific record.
- After entering values in the selected fields, click on the Search button. The results are listed below the search screen.
- Additional searches with different filter options can be run to add to the selected record results set.
- To select one or more record, click the box to the left of the record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
- To open the record you wish to view first, click its folder. All other selected records can be viewed by scrolling, using the right and left arrows in the Navigator section of the left pane.
Note: For more information on searching for an existing record, see Searching for a Record in the Help section. For more information on the Action buttons available in the left pane after the search is completed, see Search Action Buttons. For more information on setting the check boxes default to be checked or unchecked, see the Preferences section>My Preferences card>List screen.
Deleting a Record
Authorized users can Delete existing records. Open records can be deleted by clicking on the Delete or Delete Selected button in the left pane.
To delete one or more records that are not open, complete the following steps:
- From the related screen, conduct a search to locate the records that are to be deleted.
- To select one or more record, click the box to the left of the record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
- Click on the Delete Selected button.
- If the record code has been assigned to one or more other records (as a field value), an error message is displayed and the record cannot be deleted.
Note: For more information, see Deleting a Record under the Help section>Record Management.