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Searching for a Record

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Search Action Buttons

The following Actions display in the left pane when a search is completed:


Opens a screen to configure a new record. For more information, see Adding a New Record.


Opens a screen to update one or more field values for all the records selected.

To replace a value, click on the Replace button. Then click on the box to the left of each field to be changed, and update the field. For more information, see Replacing Record Values.

Delete Selected

To remove one or more record from this table, click on the check box to the left of the record and click on the Delete Selected button. For more information, see Deleting a Record.


Loads the alternate search criteria mode. When the Basic search mode is loaded, the button shows as Advanced. When the Advanced search mode is loaded, the button shows as Basic. Note: These buttons only display on screens with Advanced search capabilities.


Opens a screen to view changes to records in this screen. The audit trail displays information on additions, edits, and deletions, including what information was changed, the date and time the change was made, and name of the user who made the change.

The audits can be grouped and sorted by one of the following options:

Audit Date

Groups all the audits by the date when changes were made.


Groups the audit records by the application where the changes were made.


Groups the audit records by whether the record was inserted, updated, or deleted.

Who Modified

Groups the audit records by the User who made the updates.

Audit Description

Groups the audit report by the description of the edits that were made.