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Entering Multiple Adjustments Through the Monthly View Screen

Multiple Adjustments can be entered on the Monthly View screen.

To add mutliple adjustments through the Monthly View screen, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Employee button in the tool bar.
  2. Click the Monthly View button in the Employee Sections in the left pane.
  3. Select which day(s) you would like to add an Adjustment for.
  4. Click Add Adjustment button in the Employee Actions section.
  5. Enter the values that pertain to the adjustment. Click on the <tab> key to move to the next field. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.
  6. Select the Pay Group Instance that this adjustment should be posted to from the drop down menu. Note: Adjustments must be assigned to a current or future pay period, unless it is a Retro adjustment when the date associated with the transaction occurred in a previous pay period.
  7. Enter the Date the adjustment applies to.
  8. If applicable, enter the Time of the adjustment. The format can either be 24-hour or 12-hour. If you are using 12-hour format, follow the time with 'a' or 'p' for AM and PM. For example, enter 0800a for 8:00 AM or 1000p for 10:00 PM.
  9. Select the Pay Code from the field look up values in the left pane.
  10. Depending on the pay code selected, either the Hours(Units) of the adjustment or the Amount (Dollars) are required.

    If the labor distribution fields are left blank, the system assumes the adjustment should be posted to the employee's Primary Home Labor Distribution.

    At this point the record has enough information. All additional fields are optional.

  11. In the Shift field, select the shift where this adjustment should occur.
  12. the Rate field, enter an alternate dollar per hour amount.
  13. If Quick Codes are set up, enter it in this field to update multiple fields.
  14. If the adjustment pertains to a labor distribution other than the employee's Primary Home, enter the Organization Unit, Position, and/or Job Class.
  15. Enter the related Grant and/or Project code, if applicable.
  16. A Reason can be entered giving an explanation of why this adjustment is being made.
  17. Once complete, click Save.

    Indicator Settings

    Note: Two indicator settings determine whether this adjustment will pass to the payroll interface. (The following information assumes that you have authorization access to the Indicator tab on the adjustment entry screen.)

  1. To verify or change the adjustment indicator, complete the following steps.
    1. On the adjustment entry screen, click the Indicators tab and then open the Time and Attendance Interface Processes card.
    2. In the TA Interface Standard 1 field, verify the setting and, as needed, change it to Y or N.
  2. Click Save or if this is a Retro adjustment, click Retro.

    If the adjustment will pass to the payroll interface, the adjustment icon appears in green.

    If the adjustment will not pass to the payroll interface, the adjustment icon appears in red.

    If the adjustment is a new request , it will not pass to the payroll interface until it is approved and the two indicators are set to Y, as noted above.

    If the adjustment request is edited, the edit request record does not pass to the payroll interface. However, the original transaction that the edit is associated with will pass when it is approved and the two indicators are set to Y, as noted above.

The following related topics are available:

Entering an Adjustment Through the Add Adjustment Screen

Entering an Adjustment Through the Transaction Grid

General Tab

Indicators Tab

Parameters Tab

Exceptions Tab

Notes Tab

Requested Differences Tab

Requested History Tab