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Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab opens a screen where the parameter settings for processing are established. For more information on the settings and functionality of these parameters, see the Rules and Parameters Specifications documentation.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.


Group Name



The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

Entering an Adjustment Through the Add Adjustment Screen

Entering an Adjustment Through the Transaction Grid

Entering Multiple Adjustments Through the Monthly View Screen

General Tab

Indicators Tab

Exceptions Tab

Notes Tab

Requested Differences Tab

Requested History Tab


The label describing the parameter code.

Group Name

The name of the application group where this parameter is used (i.e. Benefits, Calculations, etc.) The parameter is displayed on the card beneath the group name heading on the Parameters tab.


The name of the specific parameter within the group.


The current setting of this parameter. Parameter values can be updated in this screen.