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General Tab

The General tab displays basic information about this transaction, including the date, time, organization unit and labor distribution.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Amount (Dollars)



Grant Code


Input Source Symbol

Job Class

Organization Unit Level 1

Organization Unit Level 2

Organization Unit Level 3

Organization Unit Level 4

Organization Unit Level 5

Organization Unit Level 6

Organization Unit Level 7

Organization Unit Level 8

Organization Unit Level 9

Pay Code

Pay Group Instance

Pool Code

Position Code

Predefined Note Code

Project Code

Quick Code

Rate (Dollars/Hour)


Shift Code




The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

Entering an Adjustment Through the Add Adjustment Screen

Entering an Adjustment Through the Transaction Grid

Entering Multiple Adjustments Through the Monthly View Screen

Indicators Tab

Parameters Tab

Exceptions Tab

Notes Tab

Requested Differences Tab

Requested History Tab

Amount (Dollars)

The dollar amount of this adjustment, if applicable. This field is only enabled if the code entered in the Pay Code field requires a dollar value, rather than an hours/units value.


The calendar date this adjustment applies to.

More About Date Value Fields


Two letter code indicating the day of the week of this entry.

Grant Code

The identification code of an applicable grant.


Indicates the length (in whole and decimal hours) of this adjustment. For example, ninety minutes would be entered as 1.5 hours.

Input Source Symbol

The symbol indicating the source of entry of this transaction (for example, manual, quick badge, download). Hover the cursor next to the symbol to display a tool tip identifying the type.

More About Input Source Symbols/Icons

Job Class

The employee job work assignment for this adjustment.

Organization Unit Level 1

The level 1 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 2

The level 2 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 3

The level 3 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 4

The level 4 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 5

The level 5 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 6

The level 6 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 7

The level 7 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 8

The level 8 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 9

The level 9 organizational code where this adjustment is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Pay Code

The pay code assignment of this adjustment.

When entering this value through the Transaction Grid, a Smart Drop Down menu is available. More About Smart Drop Down Menus

Pay Group Instance

The pay period where this adjustment should be processed. Adjustments must be assigned to a current or future pay period, even if the date associated with the transaction occurred in a previous pay period. Select the pay period from the drop down menu options.

Pool Code

A number that identifies a pool assignment for the employee transaction. The options that are available were previously assigned to the employee through the Pools screen.

Position Code

The labor distribution code that indicates the organization and job class assignment for this transaction.

Predefined Note Code

Standardized text that can be attached to an employee transaction to give additional information.

Predefined notes may be editable. An example of an editable predefined note is for funeral leave, to indicate the name of the deceased and relationship to the employee.

Project Code

The identification code of an applicable project.

Quick Code

A code set up for an employee to quickly enter a transaction using a single entry.

Quick codes are set up in the employee record in the Quick Code section screen.

Rate (Dollars/Hour)

The rate of pay (in dollars per hour) for this adjustment transaction.


Free-form text field for entering a reason why the adjustment was made.

Shift Code

The work shift this adjustment is assigned to (i.e. Day, Evening, Night, etc.).


The topic of this notation. When the predefined note is configured to be editable, the subject entry can be modified.


The free-form text of the message. When a predefined note is selected, the text is automatically displayed. When the predefined note is configured to be editable, additional information can be entered in this field. If this is not a predefined note, type the message text in this field.


Enter the Time the adjustment should begin. The format can either be 24-hour or 12-hour.

If you are using 12-hour format, follow the time with 'a' or 'p' for AM and PM.

More About Time Value Fields