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Setting Up the Monthly View Screen

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Updating a Staffing Configuration

The Staffing Configuration screen is where the current configuration values for organization units are stored. Depending on the scheduling features that you will use on the Monthly View screen, you need to make several updates to existing Staffing Configurations to determine how the features work for the specified organization units.

Scheduling features available on the Monthly View screen that require updating of Staffing Configurations include the following:

The following related topics are available:

Assigning Authorization Roles

Setting Indicators

Creating a Selection Style

Creating Schedule Partners

Setting Profile Qualifications

Update a Staffing Configuration

To update a Staffing Configuration, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Scheduling card > Staffing Configuration screen.
  2. Search for and open the desired organization unit.
  3. Click the appropriate tab.
  4. Continue with the steps under the following headings, depending on the features you are setting up.

Request to Work

  1. Enter a value in the Request to Work Begin Days and the Request to Work End Days fields.

    These values create a range of days that the system uses to search for schedules available for requesting.

    You set the Begin Days to 2 and the End Days to 21. With these settings, an employee sees schedules available starting 2 days from now until 21 days from now.

    You may set the Begin Days value to 0 (zero), indicating that an employee can see an available shift on today's schedule and request it.

  2. In the Request to Work Selection Style field, select a Selection Style from the Field Look Up Values in the right area.

    This may be an existing style that is already used for other scheduling purposes or may the new style created in the Create a Selection Style section of this guide.

  3. Enter a value in the Request to Work Qualification Level field.

    Profile Qualifications allow you to define levels of requirements that an employee must meet to view schedules to request. In other words, how well does an employee match the requirements of the organization unit? For more information, see the Setting Profile Qualifications section.

  4. Click Save.

Schedule Trades and Offers

  1. Open the Shift Trading Access or Shift Offering Access card.
  2. Enter a value in the Shift Trade (or Offer) Begin Advance Days and the Shift Trade (or Offer) End Advance Days fields.

    For more information about determining Advance Days, see the Understanding Advance Days section.

  3. In the Shift Trade (or Offer) Selection Style field, select a Selection Style from the Field Look Up Values in the right area.

    This may be an existing style that is already used for other scheduling purposes or may the new style created in the Create a Selection Style section of this guide.

  4. Shift offers only. Enter a value in the Shift Offer Qualification Level field.

    Profile Qualifications allow you to define levels of requirements that an employee must meet to view offers to request. In other words, how well does an employee match the requirements of the organization unit? For more information, see the Setting Profile Qualifications section.

  5. Click Save.

Schedule Incentive

There are several additional steps to setting up Schedule Incentive. For the complete instructions, see the Schedule Incentive Configuration Guide found on the Client Connections website.