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Setting Up the Monthly View Screen

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Creating a Selection Style

The Selection Styles screen is used to define the qualification rules used in scheduling. Depending on the scheduling features that you will use on the Monthly View screen, you may decide to create separate Selection Styles for each feature.

Scheduling functions available on the Monthly View screen that can have unique selection styles applied include the following:

This section of the guide is optional. You may decide to use existing Edit Validation-type Selection Styles instead.

On the Monthly View screen, vacancies appear for schedules that an employee is qualified to work, based on Profile Qualifications and Schedule Partners.

The process that determines which vacancies appear does not apply a Selection Style and therefore vacancies are not filtered by any Schedule Style qualification rules. The Selection Style's rules are applied when an employee attempts to a request a schedule.

The following related topics are available:

Assigning Authorization Roles

Setting Indicators

Creating Schedule Partners

Setting Profile Qualifications

Updating a Staffing Configuration

Create a Selection Style

To create a Selection Style, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Scheduling card > Selection Styles screen.
  2. Under Actions, click Add.
  3. In the Code and Description fields, enter a unique identification for the Selection Style.
  4. In the Type field, select Edit Validation.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Under Selection Style Sections, click Qualification.

    A screen appears with a list of available Qualification Rules.

  7. Drag the desired rules from the Available Rules area to the Selected Rules area and then click Save.

    These rules are used to validate the scheduling request. Employees who fail to meet even one qualification rule cannot complete their request.

    Rules are validated in the order they positioned in the Selected Rules area. Rules near the top of the list are validated before rules near the bottom. The red arrow identifies where the rule will be placed in the list.