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Setting Up the Monthly View Screen

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Setting Indicators

To determine how the Monthly View screen appears and the features available to employees, set the following indicators, as desired.

The following related topics are available:

Assigning Authorization Roles

Creating a Selection Style

Creating Schedule Partners

Setting Profile Qualifications

Updating a Staffing Configuration

Set the Activity Code Indicators

To set the activity code indicators, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Scheduling card > Activity Code screen.
  2. Search for and open the desired activity code records.

    Update the activity codes that are available to view on the Monthly View screen, for Request to Work, for trade and offer, or for Schedule Incentive. See the following table for more information.

  3. Click the Indicators tab and then open the appropriate card, based on the following table.
  4. Click in the appropriate indicator field and, if needed, type Y or select Y from the Field Look Up Values in the right area.
  5. After you have updated all of the desired indicators, click Save.




    Staffing and Scheduling

    SS Solution Standard 1

    Allows the activity code to appear on the Monthly View screen

    Schedule Process

    Schedule Standard 7

    Allows the activity code to be submitted as a Request to Work

    Self Scheduling

    Self Scheduling Standard 1

    Allows the activity code to be available for self scheduling

    Self Scheduling

    Self Scheduling Standard 2

    Allows the activity code to be available for trades and offers on the Monthly View screen.

    Note: This feature is only available if the Web Application Indicator System Standard 18 is set to H. For more information on Monthly View Application Indicators, click here.

    Schedule Incentive Management

    Sched Incentive Standard 1

    Allows the activity code to be available for Schedule Incentive

Set the Organization Unit Indicators

To set the organization unit indicators, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Organization Unit card > Organization Unit screen.
  2. Search for and open the desired organization unit records.

    Update the organization units that are using the Monthly View screen for trades and offers or Schedule Incentive. See the following table for more information.

  3. Click the Indicators tab and then open the appropriate card, based on the following table.
  4. Click in the appropriate indicator field and, if needed, type or select the appropriate value from the Field Look Up Values in the right area.
  5. After you have updated all of the desired indicators, click Save.




    Staffing and Scheduling

    SS Solution Standard 7

    Determines whether pending schedules appear on the Monthly View screen during the manager review period. The length of the manager review period is determined on the Self Schedule tab of the organization unit's Staffing Configuration. Because self scheduling is not covered in this guide, the Self Schedule tab and the review period are discussed further.

    Self Scheduling

    Self Scheduling Standard 1 - 10

    Determines how schedule trades and offers work in this organization unit.

    Schedule Incentive Management

    Sched Incentive Standard 1 - 10

    Determines how Schedule Incentive works in this organization unit. See the Schedule Incentive Configuration Guide and Schedule Incentive Employee Guide located on the Client Connections website.

If you have used Request to Work prior to Staffing and Scheduling version 09.00.00, you may notice that two organization unit indicators are no longer available. Organization Unit Indicator SS Solution Standard 5 and 6 have been removed from the system. These indicators allowed you to expand the number of schedules available to employees. Since the new Monthly View screen incorporates these expanded searches automatically, the indicators were unnecessary.

Set the Profile Indicators

To set the profile indicators, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Labor Distribution card > Profile screen.
  2. Search for and open the desired profile records.

    Update the profiles that are using the Monthly View screen for trades and offers or Request to Work. See the following table for more information.

  3. Click the Indicators tab and then open the appropriate card, based on the following table.
  4. Click in the appropriate indicator field and, if needed, type Y or select Y from the Field Look Up Values in the right area.
  5. After you have updated all of the desired indicators, click Save.




    Schedule Process

    Schedule Standard 1

    Determines which profiles are available for Request to Work

    Self Scheduling

    Self Scheduling Standard 1

    Determines which profiles are available for self scheduling

If you attach activity codes to profiles, those activities' indicators need to be set appropriately. For more information, see the Set the Activity Code Indicators section.

Set the Application Indicator and Parameter

There are two application indicators and one parameter that you need to set.

Complete the steps under the appropriate heading.

Shift Trades

With the HTML version of the Monthly View:

To set the Shift Trade application indicator for the HTML Monthly View or Legacy View, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > System card > Application screen.
  2. In the Code field, type web, then click Search, and then open the WEB - Portal record.
  3. Click the Indicators tab and then open the System card.
  4. Click on the System Standard 18 field and select H or L from the Field Look Up Values in the area to the right.
  5. Click Save.

Vacancy Minimum Length

The Vacancy Minimum Length information in this section applies to Staffing and Scheduling version 09.00.02 and greater.

Vacancies appear on the Monthly View screen for any time period where there is a need. However, even short periods of time will cause the vacancy to appear, even if there are no activity codes that would cover that time period.

There is a need of 1 RN between 06:30 and 07:00. This causes the vacancy to appear on the Monthly View.

To help with this scenario, an application parameter is available to control the minimum length a vacancy must be before it appears on the Monthly View screen.

You do not want any vacancies to appear that are less than three hours. You would set the parameter to 180 minutes.

To set the application parameter, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > System card > Application screen.
  2. In the Code field, type ss, then click Search, and then open the SS - Staffing and Scheduling Solution record.
  3. Click the Parameters tab and then open the Staffing and Scheduling card.
  4. In the SS Solution Standard Integer 7 field, enter a value for a vacancy's minimum length, in minutes.
  5. Click Save.