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Setting Up the Monthly View Screen

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Creating Schedule Partners

Schedule Partners are groups of similar job classes or organization units. They are used by the system to determine which vacancies appear on an employee's Monthly View screen for the employee to request. Vacancies are certain types of available schedules on the Monthly View screen, such as Request to Work schedules and schedule offers.

Group job classes RN1 and RN2 into a job class Schedule Partner group.

Group Department 1002 and Department 2002 into an organization unit Schedule Partner group.

The following related topics are available:

Assigning Authorization Roles

Setting Indicators

Creating a Selection Style

Setting Profile Qualifications

Updating a Staffing Configuration

Create Schedule Partners

To create Schedule Partners, complete the steps under the appropriate heading.

Organization Unit Schedule Partners

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Scheduling card > Schedule Partner screen.
  2. Under Actions, click Add.
  3. In the Code and Description fields, enter the text to identify this record.
  4. In the Category field, select Organization Unit.
  5. In the Tier Level field, enter a numeric value.

    Tier Levels are used to further rank similar schedule partners. Lower numbers rank higher. For example, 1 ranks higher than 5.

    Departments A, B, and C are Med-Surg units and are set up as schedule partners with a Tier Level of 1. Departments D and E are Critical Care units and also are schedule partners with a Tier Level of 1. In high-need/low-staff situations, employees from Critical Care can float to Med-Surg (and vice versa). To enable this ability on the Current Staffing Overview screen, a third schedule partner group is created. This new group of schedule partners includes all departments A - E and has a Tier Level of 2. In this example, the Qualified Staff on the Current Staffing Overview will look at Tier Level 1 first, then Tier Level 2, for qualifying schedules to show as vacancies.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Under Schedule Partner Sections, click Org Unit Assignment.

    This step allows you to add organization units to this Schedule Partner record.

  8. Under Actions, click Add.
  9. Search for and select the organization units you need to group in this Schedule Partner record.
  10. Under Schedule Partner Organization Unit Add Actions, click Assign Selected.

Job Class Schedule Partners

  1. Navigate to the Configuration section > Scheduling card > Schedule Partner screen.
  2. Under Actions, click Add.
  3. In the Code and Description fields, enter the text to identify this record.
  4. In the Category field, select Job Class.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Under Schedule Partner Sections, click Job Class Assignment.

    This step allows you to add job classes to this Schedule Partner record.

  7. Under Actions, click Add.
  8. Search for and select the job classes you need to group in this Schedule Partner record.
  9. Under Schedule Partner Job Class Add Actions, click Assign Selected.