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Schedule Incentive

The Schedule Incentive screen can be accessed by authorized users to add new incentive schedules for bid, to monitor the bids submitted by employees, and to select the winning bid(s).

When the status on a specific shift is set to Closed, all non-approved bids are automatically set to Denied. All employees who have submitted bids are notified of the updated status of their bid.

Note: Bids can also be approved or denied through the schedule screen, if they are included in the open schedule date range.

The following sections are available in the left pane when adding or viewing a record:


Shows basic information on the opened schedule record.


Opens a screen to view the position codes authorized to work this schedule. These positions are linked to the profile code of the shift through the Profiles configuration screen.


Opens a screen to display the station requirements for this schedule.

Position Curriculums

Displays the education tracking curriculums that are assigned to each position code authorized to work this schedule.

Position Licenses

Displays the licenses that are required for each position code authorized to work this schedule. These licenses are set up on the Positions configuration screen.

Profile Licenses

Displays the licenses that are required for the profile assigned. These licenses are set up on the Profile configuration screen.

The following topics are available in this chapter

Searching for a Schedule Incentive Record

Handling a Schedule Incentive Request

Steps for Creating a Schedule Incentive

See Also

Bidding on a Schedule