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Schedule Incentive

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Handling a Schedule Incentive Request

Depending on your authorization role, you may be able to approve or deny employees' schedule incentive bids, or you can cancel, copy, or delete an existing schedule incentive record.

  1. After searching for a Schedule Incentive record, all records that meet the search criteria are displayed
  2. Select all the records to open by checking the box to the left of each record.
  3. Click on the folder of the record to view first.

    This screen includes all the details of the schedule incentive record.

  4. To Approve or Deny the bid for specific employees, check the box to the left of the name of all employees to assign the same action. For example, to approve the bid for two employees, check the boxes to the left of those two employee names only.
  5. Enter any comments to indicate why the schedule bid was approved or denied.
  6. Click the appropriate Approve or Deny button. Note: When one or more bid is Approved, all non-approved bids are set to Denied.

The following related topics are available:

Searching for a Schedule Incentive Record

Steps for Creating a Schedule Incentive