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Schedule Incentive

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Searching for a Schedule Incentive Record

The Schedule Incentive Search screen is the default page when the Schedule Incentive screen is opened. This screen is used to filter criteria when searching for specific records to handle. Depending on the authorization role of the user, selected records can be viewed, handled, edited, or deleted.

Record Management

To locate specific records, enter the search criteria as described below, then click on the Search button. For more information, see Searching for a Record.

After entering the search criteria, all applicable records are displayed. To open and view a record, click on the folder to the left of the record. For more information, see Opening and Viewing a Record.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Activity Code

Auto Approve

Closing Date Range Begin Date

Closing Date Range Begin Time

Closing Date Range End Date

Closing Date Range End Time

Open Range Begin Date

Open Date Range Begin Time

Open Date Range End Date

Open Date Range End Time

Organization Unit

Profile Code



Transaction Date Range Begin

Transaction Date Range End

The following related topics are available:

Handling a Schedule Incentive Request

Steps for Creating a Schedule Incentive

Activity Code

The activity code to be assigned with this shift. Built into the activity code are the starting and ending time of the shift, lunch length, coverage, etc. Note: Activity Code Indicator Sched Incentive Standard 1 must be set to Y (yes) for the activity to be displayed in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane.

Auto Approve

Indicates whether the schedule incentive bid is set to be auto approved (Yes/No). Auto approved bids are automatically awarded to the lowest bidder on the closing date/time of the schedule, provided the schedule does not create an exception above the allowed level.

For example, if the employee will surpass his or her approved overtime value, and the overtime rule exception level is set at a Critical level, the employee will not be awarded this shift.

Note: The level of exception that can be overridden is set on the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Staffing Configuration screen>Schedule Incentive Auto Approval Exception Override field.

Closing Date Range Begin Date

The earliest date to include when searching for a schedule for bidding with a Closing Date that falls within the range.

Closing Date Range Begin Time

The earliest time on the Closing Range Begin Date to search for a schedule for bidding. Schedules that fall on or after the Closing Range Begin Date/Time and on or before the Closing Range End Date/Time range are included in the results.

Closing Date Range End Date

The latest date of the range to search for a schedule for bidding with a Closing Date within the range.

Closing Date Range End Time

The latest time on the Closing Range End Date to search for a schedule for bidding. Schedules that fall on or after the Closing Range Begin Date/Time and on or before the Closing Range End Date/Time range are included in the results.

Open Range Begin Date

The earliest date of the range to include when searching for an Open Date of a schedule for bidding.

Open Date Range Begin Time

The earliest time on the Open Range Begin Date to include in the range to search for a schedule for bidding. Schedules that fall on or after the Open Date Range Begin Date/Time and on or before the Open Date Range End Date/Time range are included in the results.

Open Date Range End Date

The latest date of the range to include when searching for an Open Date of a schedule for bidding.

Open Date Range End Time

The latest time on the Open Range End Date to include in the range to search for a schedule for bidding. Schedules that fall on or after the Open Date Range Begin Date/Time and on or before the Open Date Range End Date/Time are included in the results.

Organization Unit

The organization unit of the schedule. The levels available and the labels of the organization levels depend on the structure of the corporation.

Profile Code

The profile code that is assigned to the available shift.


The level of access that is currently being allowed to bid on the schedule incentive. The first stage of access is at the position permission level. If no qualifying bids are submitted at that level, then access is progressively opened to higher and higher levels of the corporate structure on the dates entered.


Indicates the current status of the schedule incentive bid request. Options are Closed, Canceled, Open or Failed. Note: A bid is set to Closed when the Close Schedule Incentive process is completed on the record, not when the closing date and time has passed.

The status options are as follows:

  • Closed

The status is set to Closed when an authorized user approves the final bid request for the shift through the Review Bid Request screen.

  • Canceled

The status is set to Canceled when a user cancels the schedule incentive through the Review Bid Request screen or when the system sets the value when no bids were submitted and the Closing Date and Time has been reached.

  • Open

The status is set to Open from the time the schedule incentive is set up until the status is either changed by an authorized user or until the system sets the value to Canceled if no bids are submitted before the closing date or sets it to Failed if the bid cannot be successfully awarded.

  • Failed

The status is set to Failed when a schedule incentive is set to be Auto Approved, but the process could not successfully award the schedule to a bidder. When this occurs, a manager must manually review the record and award the bid.

Transaction Date Range Begin

The beginning date for finding schedules for bidding that occur within the range.

Transaction Date Range End

The ending date for finding schedules for bidding that occur within the range.