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Schedule Incentive

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Steps for Creating a Schedule Incentive

  1. From the Actions section>Approval card>select the Schedule Incentive icon.
  2. Click on the Add button to add a new record.
  3. Select the Classification for either the Flat Dollar or Percentage method.
  4. Enter the Organization Unit information where the schedule is to be worked.
  5. Enter the Profile Code of the incentive schedule. A list of valid profile codes within the open schedule is displayed in the right pane.
  6. Enter the Activity Code for this schedule. Note: Activity Code Indicator Sched Incentive Standard 1 must be set to Y (yes) for the activity to be displayed.
  7. Enter the Transaction Date when the schedule begins.
  8. To allow the system to automatically award the winning request, set the Auto Approve to Yes. To manually select the winning request, set this value to No.
  9. Enter the Maximum Bid and Minimum Bid fields to indicate the range of acceptable bid amounts. Employees are not able to submit values higher than the Maximum Bid or lower than the Minimum Bid.
  10. When an Increment value is entered, the submitted bid must be an increment of this value starting from the Maximum Bid amount. For example, if the maximum bid is $30.00 and the increment is .50, the user could submit a bid for $30.00, $29.50, $29.00, etc.

    Note: If there is no value entered in the Maximum Bid field, then the Increment value will be set to zero.

  11. The Open Date and Open Time fields indicate when to start accepting requests. These default to the current date and time when this record was opened, but these values can be changed.
  12. Enter the Closing Date and Closing Time to indicate when the schedule incentive offer is closed. Employees are no longer able to submit requests once this date and time have passed.
  13. The Organization Unit Open Date/Open Time fields allow the schedule to be gradually opened to higher levels within the corporate structure. For example, initially the schedule is open to employees with position permission. If no qualified employees bid on the schedule, it can be opened up to employees in the same department, then within the facility, and then at the entity level. For each organization unit level, indicate the date and time this schedule should be available for bidding to employees at this level.
  14. Click on the Save button.
  15. Optional. The following options are available for configuration.
    • Positions

    Opens a screen to view the position codes authorized to work this schedule. These positions are linked to the profile code of the shift through the Profiles configuration screen.

    • Stations

    Opens a screen to display the station requirements for this schedule.

    • Position Curriculums

    Displays the education tracking curriculums that are assigned to each position code authorized to work this schedule.

    • Position Licenses

    Displays the licenses that are required for each position code authorized to work this schedule. These licenses are set up on the Positions configuration screen.

    • Profile Licenses

    Displays the licenses that are required for the profile assigned. These licenses are set up on the Profile configuration screen.

  16. To create a duplicate of this record, click on the Copy Schedule button. This duplicate can be used if there are two identical schedules available for schedule incentive bidding, or it can also be modified to create another similar record (for example, to change the date and/or position and/or activity code, etc.).

The following related topics are available:

Searching for a Schedule Incentive Record

Handling a Schedule Incentive Request

Action Buttons

The following action buttons are available with the Schedule Incentive feature:

Cancel Schedule

Copy Schedule

Delete Schedule