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Steps for Creating a Schedule Incentive

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The General section shows information on the opened schedule incentive record, including the opening and closing dates of the schedule at all organization levels, maximum/minimum bid allowed, etc.

The following actions are available in the left pane when a schedule incentive record is open.


To approve a schedule incentive bid, check the box to the left of the employee bid(s) and click on the Approve button. This button is only visible if there is at least one bid submitted.


To deny a bid, check the box to the left of the employee bid(s) and click on the Deny button. This button is only visible if there is at least one bid submitted.

Cancel Schedule

Cancels the open schedule incentive record. The status is set to Canceled, and employees cannot submit bids. The date and time the record was canceled is added to the record, with the name of the user who canceled it.

Note: This option is only available if no employees have submitted bids for an open schedule.

Copy Schedule

Creates a duplicate record of the currently open schedule incentive record. This feature can be used to create a new record with all the attributes of the original, and then modify certain values, such as the profile or activity code.

Delete Schedule

Deletes the schedule incentive record. It is no longer available through this screen.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Activity Code

Approval Comments

Auto Approve


Closing Date

Closing Time

Closing Date Range Begin Date

Closing Date Range Begin Time

Closing Date Range End Date

Closing Date Range End Time


Denial Comments

Hours (ScheduleIncentive)


Lunch Length

Maximum Bid

Minimum Bid

Open Date

Open Time

Open Range Begin Date

Open Date Range Begin Time

Open Date Range End Date

Open Date Range End Time

Organization Unit

Organization Unit Open

Organization Unit 1 Open Date

Organization Unit 1 Time

Organization Unit 2 Open Date

Organization Unit 2 Time

Organization Unit 3 Open Date

Organization Unit 3 Time

Organization Unit 4 Open Date

Organization Unit 4 Time

Organization Unit 5 Open Date

Organization Unit 5 Time

Organization Unit 6 Open Date

Organization Unit 6 Time

Organization Unit 7 Open Date

Organization Unit 7 Time

Organization Unit 8 Open Date

Organization Unit 8 Time

Organization Unit 9 Open Date

Organization Unit 9 Open Time

Profile Code

Reviewed By

Reviewed Date


Transaction Date

Transaction Time

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:



Position Curriculums

Position Licenses

Profile Licenses

Activity Code

The activity code to be assigned with this shift. Built into the activity code are the starting and ending time of the shift, lunch length, coverage, etc. Note: Activity Code Indicator Schedule Incentive Standard 1 must be set to Y (yes) for the activity to be displayed in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane.

Approval Comments

Free form text field for the supervisor to record any comments on why the bid was approved.

Auto Approve

Determines whether this schedule incentive record will be automatically approved by the system (Yes/No).


The type of Schedule Incentive record: Flat Dollar or Percentage.

Closing Date

The date when the time frame for submitting schedule incentive bids is closed for this schedule. If this field is left blank, the system defaults to the date of the schedule.

Closing Time

The time of day on the Closing Date when an employee can no longer submit bids for this schedule. If this field is left blank, the time defaults to 00:00.

More About Time Value Fields

Closing Date Range Begin Date

The earliest date to include when searching for a schedule incentive with a Closing Date that falls within the range.

Closing Date Range Begin Time

The earliest time on the Closing Range Begin Date to search for a schedule incentive.

Closing Date Range End Date

The latest date of the range to search for a schedule incentive with a Closing Date within the range.

Closing Date Range End Time

The latest time on the Closing Range End Date to search for a schedule incentive.


Displays the name of the user who entered the schedule incentive record.

Denial Comments

Free-form text field for the supervisor to record any comments on why the bid was denied.

Hours (ScheduleIncentive)

Used with the Percentage method to determine the length of the incentive schedule.


When this value is set up, the submitted bid must be an increment of this value starting from the Maximum Bid amount. For example, if the maximum bid is $30.00 and the Increment is .50, the user could submit a bid for $30.00, $29.50, $29.00, etc.

With this example, if the user submits a bid for $28.75, an error message is generated because this is not an increment of .50. If there is no value set up in this field, there are no incremental restrictions on the amount the user can submit.

Note: If there is no value entered in the Maximum Bid field, then the Increment value will be set to zero.

Lunch Length

Used with the Percentage method to determine the end time of the schedule (Hours plus Lunch Length).

Maximum Bid

The highest dollar amount that an employee is allowed to submit for a bid. If there is no maximum value, leave this field blank.

Minimum Bid

The smallest dollar amount that an employee is allowed to bid on this schedule. If there is no minimum amount, leave this field blank.

Open Date

The date when the time frame for submitting bids is opened for this schedule.

More About Date Value Fields

Open Time

The time of day on the Open Date that this shift is open for bidding, expressed in 24-hour format.

More About Time Value Fields

Open Range Begin Date

The earliest date of the range to include when searching for an Open Date of a schedule incentive.

Open Date Range Begin Time

The earliest time on the Open Range Begin Date to include in the range to search for a schedule incentive.

Open Date Range End Date

The latest date of the range to include when searching for an Open Date of a schedule incentive.

Open Date Range End Time

The latest time on the Open Range End Date to include in the range to search for a schedule incentive.

Organization Unit

The organization unit of the schedule. The levels available and the labels of the organization levels depend on the structure of the corporation.

Organization Unit

The organization unit of the schedule. The levels available and the labels of the organization levels depend on the structure of the corporation.

Organization Unit Open

The date this shift is open for Schedule Incentive requests at this organization unit level.

Organization Unit 1 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 1.

Organization Unit 1 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 1.

Organization Unit 2 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 2.

Organization Unit 2 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 2.

Organization Unit 3 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 3.

Organization Unit 3 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 3.

Organization Unit 4 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 4.

Organization Unit 4 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 4.

Organization Unit 5 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 5.

Organization Unit 5 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 5.

Organization Unit 6 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 6.

Organization Unit 6 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 6.

Organization Unit 7 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 7.

Organization Unit 7 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 7.

Organization Unit 8 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 8.

Organization Unit 8 Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 8.

Organization Unit 9 Open Date

The date this shift is open for bidding at the Organization Unit Level 9.

Organization Unit 9 Open Time

The time of day, expressed in 24-hour format, on the corresponding Open Date that this schedule incentive is open for requesting at the Organization Unit Level 9.

Profile Code

The profile code that is assigned to the available shift.

Reviewed By

The name of the supervisor who updated the status of the shift. This information is automatically entered by the system when the supervisor changes the status of a request.

Reviewed Date

The date this shift incentive request was reviewed and the status was updated.

More About Date Value Fields


The level of access that is currently being allowed to bid on the schedule. The first stage of access is at the position permission level. If no qualifying bids are submitted at that level, then access is progressively opened to higher and higher levels of the corporate structure on the dates entered.

Transaction Date

The calendar date this schedule is to take place.

More About Date Value Fields

Transaction Time

Used with the Percentage method to determine the start time of the schedule.