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Time and Attendance Notifications

The Time and Attendance Notifications send alerts to employees regarding the Time and Attendance application.

The following topics are available on this page:

EmpSignOffRem--Employee Sign-off Removed

SupEmpApprovLost--Employee Approval Lost (Approving Supervisor)

UnappEmpFinCont - Final Unapproved Employees Notification (Controller)

UnappEmpFinSup - Final Unapproved Employees Notification (Supervisor)

UnappEmpInitCont - Initial Unapproved Employees Notification (Controller)

UnappEmpInitSup - Initial Unapproved Employees Notification (Supervisor)

The following related topics are available:

Device Notifications

Education Notifications

Employee Transaction Notifications

License Notifications

Processes Notifications

Schedule Incentive Notifications

Self Scheduling Notifications

System Notifications

EmpSignOffRem--Employee Sign-off Removed

This notification informs a user when they have signed off on their pay period’s data and the sign-off was removed due to a data change. Employees included in this notification are any employees who sign-off on their pay period’s data.

SupEmpApprovLost--Employee Approval Lost (Approving Supervisor)

This notification informs supervisors (Supervisor Assignments are required) when one of their employees has lost their approval status. Users included in this notification are any Approving Supervisors for the employee that lost their approval.

UnappEmpFinCont - Final Unapproved Employees Notification (Controller)

This final notification is sent to controllers a specified number of hours after the selected current pay group instance end date, reminding them of the deadline for approving time cards. The notification lists the controller's supervisors who have employees which have not been approved, along with critical exception counts.

A link displays that takes the user to the Supervisor LaborView "Has Approvals Remaining". Note: The LaborView only displays direct supervisor assignments so the notification may list additional employees.

The number of hours in advance of the pay period close date is set up in the Actions section > Processes card > Scheduled Tasks screen. For more information, see Steps for Setting up Unapproved Employee Notification Tasks.

UnappEmpFinSup - Final Unapproved Employees Notification (Supervisor)

This final notification is sent to a supervisor a specified number of hours after the selected current pay group instance end date, reminding the supervisor of the deadline for approving employee timecards. The notification lists the supervisor's employees who have not been approved, along with critical exception counts.

A link is displayed that takes the user to the Employee LaborView "Not Approved" to view and handle the employee records.

The number of hours in advance of the pay period close date is set up in the Actions section > Processes card > Scheduled Tasks screen. For more information, see Steps for Setting up Unapproved Employee Notification Tasks.

UnappEmpInitCont - Initial Unapproved Employees Notification (Controller)

This initial notification is sent to controllers a specified number of hours prior to the selected current pay group instance end date, reminding them of the deadline for approving employee time cards. The notification lists the controller's supervisors who have employees which have not been approved, along with critical exception counts.

A link displays that takes the user to the Supervisor LaborView "Has Approvals Remaining". Note: The laborview only displays direct supervisor assignments so the notification may list additional employees.

The number of hours in advance of the pay period close date is set up in the Actions section > Processes card > Scheduled Tasks screen. For more information, see Steps for Setting up Unapproved Employee Notification Tasks.

UnappEmpInitSup - Initial Unapproved Employees Notification (Supervisor)

This notification is sent to a supervisor a specified number of hours prior to the selected current pay group instance end date, reminding the supervisor of the deadline for approving employee timecards. The notification it lists the supervisor's employees who have not been approved, along with critical exception counts.

A link is displayed that takes the user to the Employee LaborView "Not Approved" to view and handle the employee records.

The number of hours in advance of the pay period close date is set up in the Actions section > Processes card > Scheduled Tasks screen. For more information, see Steps for Setting up Unapproved Employee Notification Tasks.