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General Tab

The General tab displays basic information about this transaction., including the date, time, organization unit and labor distribution.

Note: If organization unit and position fields are left blank, the system automatically assigns the employee's Primary Home Labor Distribution values.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.


Device Number


Grant Code


Input Symbol

Job Class Code

Lunch Length (Hours)

Organization Unit Level 1

Organization Unit Level 2

Organization Unit Level 3

Organization Unit Level 4

Organization Unit Level 5

Organization Unit Level 6

Organization Unit Level 7

Organization Unit Level 8

Organization Unit Level 9

Override Code

Pay Code

Pool Assignment

Position Code

Project Code

Prompt Hours

Prompt Time

Quick Code

Rate (Dollars/Hour)

Requested Reason

Special Code

Special Code 2-5


Transaction Order

The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

Entering a Clocking Through the Add Clocking Screen

Entering a Clocking Through the Transaction Grid

Attendance+ Tab

Notes Tab

Exceptions Tab

Requested Differences Tab

Requested History Tab

Special Codes Tab

Audit Tab


The calendar date of this clocking.

More About Date Value Fields

Device Number

The identification number of the input device for the transaction (for example, the badge reader number).


Two letter code indicating the day of the week of this entry.

Grant Code

The identification code of an applicable grant.


The number of hours included in this clocking transaction.

Input Symbol

The symbol indicating the source of entry of this transaction (for example, badge reader, quick code, manual, download). Hover the cursor next to the symbol to display a tool tip describing the type.

More About Input Source Symbols/Icons

Job Class Code

The employee job work assignment for this clocking entry.

Lunch Length (Hours)

The amount of time taken for a lunch break, expressed in whole and/or decimal hours. For example, a 30 minute lunch break would be entered as .5 hours.

Organization Unit Level 1

The level 1 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 2

The level 2 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 3

The level 3 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 4

The level 4 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 5

The level 5 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 6

The level 6 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 7

The level 7 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 8

The level 8 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Organization Unit Level 9

The level 9 organizational code where this clocking is assigned. The number of levels available and the label names depend upon your organization or corporate structure.

Override Code

The code used by authorized supervisors to override payroll rules for a clocking transaction.

Pay Code

The code indicating the type of pay to be received by the employee.

Pay codes can have different formulas attached, which can add differentials (e.g. shift pay) or multiplier factors (e.g. overtime). Examples of pay codes are REG (regular), OT (overtime), VAC (vacation), etc.

When entering this value through the Transaction Grid, a Smart Drop Down menu is available. More About Smart Drop Down Menus

Pool Assignment

Indicates the staffing pool this clocking entry is applied to.

Position Code

The labor distribution code that indicates the worked organization and job class assignment for this clocking transaction.

Project Code

The identification code of an applicable project.

Prompt Hours

The number of hours worked, entered as a result of a message prompt at the input device.

Prompt Time

The clocking time entered as a result of a message prompt at the input device.

More About Time Value Fields

Quick Code

A code set up for an employee to quickly enter a transaction using a single entry.

Quick codes are set up in the employee record in the Quick Code section screen.

Rate (Dollars/Hour)

The rate of pay (in dollars per hour) for this clocking transaction.

Requested Reason

The reason for this clocking entry, if additional information should be supplied.

Special Code

The primary special code assigned to this clocking, if applicable. Additional special codes can be assigned on the Special Codes 2-5 fields. These are located on the Special Codes tab when using the Transaction Grid view.

Special Code 2-5

The Special Codes fields allow users to enter one or more codes with additional processing information to a transaction. Note: Although these fields are required, the default entered for each field is No Special Code.


Enter the Time the calendar should begin. The format can either be 24-hour or 12-hour.

If you are using 12-hour format, follow the time with 'a' or 'p' for AM and PM.

More About Time Value Fields

Transaction Order

Indicates whether to add a duplicate clocking entry either before or after the clocking to create a matching in/out punch.