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Self Scheduling Access Card

The Self Scheduling Access card is used to set up the time frame that the employees assigned to this labor distribution have access to self scheduling. The selection style for self scheduling is also selected, which determines the rules that are validated when the employee enters a schedule through the self-scheduling screen.

Self Scheduling Groups can also be set up on this screen. This feature allows staggering of access to self scheduling, so that certain groups have a specific time frame withing the self-scheduling access period when they can self schedule. For example, Group 1 can schedule the first week, Group 2 can schedule the second week, and Group 3 can schedule the third week. The groups can be set to rotate, so that each group has a turn to be first to schedule.

Steps for Setting up the Self Scheduling Access Card

To set up the Self Scheduling for this staffing configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Configuration section> Scheduling card> Staffing Configuration screen, open the staffing configuration record to be configured.
  2. Click the Self Schedule tab and expand the Self Scheduling Access card.
  3. Enter the Self Schedule Begin Advance Days and Self Schedule End Advance Days to indicate the first and last days of the time frame (in number of days before a scheduling period begins) that employees will have access to self scheduling.
  4. In the Self Schedule Review Period End Advance Days field, enter the number of days before the start of the scheduling period that the manager review period will end. The beginning of the manager review period is the same day as the Self Schedule End Advance Days.
  5. In the Self Schedule Selection Styles field, select the selection style to validate the employee entries. Built into the selection styles are the scheduling rules that are verified when an employee submits a schedule (for example, station and skills, overtime rules, approved hours, etc.).
  6. In the Allowable Overstaffing field, enter the number of staff that can be scheduled above the staffing needs. For example, when this value is set to '1', employees can self schedule one additional person above the needs.
  7. In the Allowable Coverage Overstaffing, enter the acceptable variance between the need value and the coverage value for each profile, which will be calculated into staffing hours.

    For example, if the coverage period is eight hours in length and this value is set to '1', there can be eight additional hours of employee staffing scheduled into the coverage period. This value can be used if the activity code an employee is trying to schedule overlaps another coverage period that does not have any needs.

  8. If the staffing configuration group is not using self schedule groups, click Save.

    If the staffing configuration group is using self schedule groups, continue with the Steps for Setting Up a Schedule Group Order Table.

Allowable Coverage Overstaffing

The acceptable variance between the Need value and the Coverage value for each profile, calculated into staffing hours. For example, if the coverage period is 8 hours in length, when this value is set to 1, there can be 8 additional hours of employee staffing scheduled into the coverage period. This variance can be used when an employee's activity code start or end time overlaps a coverage period that does not have a need.

For example: The Day coverage period is 07:00-15:00 and an employee wants to self-schedule a shift from 06:00-14:30. If the previous Night coverage period (23:00 to 07:00) does not have any needs, the employee would not be able to schedule that coverage period (because the shift actually begins within the previous Night coverage period.) However, if the Allowable Coverage Overstaffing value is set to 1, then there can be an additional 8 hours scheduled into a coverage period. In this example, one hour of the allowable eight hours of overstaffing would be used by the employee starting at 06:00.

See Allowable Coverage Overstaffing Example

Allowable Overstaffing

The acceptable variance between the Need value and the Coverage value for each profile, based on number of staff. This allows employees to self schedule above the needed staff for a profile. For example, if the staffing needs for a profile/coverage period is 4 and this value is set to 1, up to 5 employees can self schedule. This value must be a whole number.

Self Schedule Begin Advance Days

The number of days before the start of a scheduling period that opens that scheduling period for self scheduling.

Self Schedule End Advance Days

The number of days before the start of a scheduling period that locks that scheduling period from self scheduling. This is intended to allow the manager time to review and post the scheduling period before re-opening it up to employees for shift trading and/or offering.

Self Schedule Group Start Date

The date when the Self Schedule Group access should begin. This date must be the same as the beginning date of a scheduling period.

This value must be greater than or equal to the Resume Date associated with the Staffing Configuration Record.

More About Date Value Fields

Self Schedule Group Table Order

Determines whether the Self Schedule Groups have access to self scheduling in the same order each scheduling period, or whether the order of access is rotated each scheduling period.

Self Schedule Review Period End Advance Days

The number of days before the start of a scheduling period that the manager review period will end. During the manager review period, you can configure the system to not display pending schedules to self-scheduling employees. The first day of the review period is defined in the Self Schedule End Advance Days field.

Self Schedule Selection Style

Determines the selection style to be used when validating the qualifications of an employee who is adding a schedule.

For example, the selection style may validate that employees will not exceed their Overtime/Approved Hours values, their Maximum Work Stretch days, etc.

The rules included in each selection style are previously set up on the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Selection Styles screen with the Type of Edit Validation.