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Self Scheduling Access Card

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Steps for Setting Up the Self Schedule Group Order Table

To set up the Self Schedule Group Order Table for this Staffing Configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Staffing Configuration screen, open the staffing configuration record to be configured.
  2. Complete the Steps for Setting Up the Self Scheduling Card.
  3. From the Self Schedule Group Table Order field, select whether the groups should self schedule in the same order each scheduling period (Static) or whether the groups should rotate the order they are allowed access to self scheduling (Dynamic).
  4. When a value is entered into this field, the Self Schedule Group Order Table is enabled.
  5. Click on the Add Row button to add a record.
  6. Enter a Code to establish a new Self Schedule Group. This code should also be entered in the Profile Parameter Self Scheduling Standard Alpha 1 field in Profile configuration screens for the profiles that are using these groups or in the Employee Labor Distribution Parameter Self Scheduling Standard Alpha 1. Note: When entering the code in the Profile parameter field, it must match exactly with the code entered in this field. If they do not match, the profile is not acknowledged as belonging to the group.
  7. In the Begin Day field, enter the number of days before the start of a scheduling period when this group can access self scheduling. This value must be less than or equal to the value in the Self Schedule Begin Advance Days field.
  8. In the End Day field, enter the number of days before the start of a scheduling period when this group can no longer access self scheduling. This value must be less than the Begin Day value and greater than or equal to the value in the Self Schedule End Advance Days field.
  9. To add more schedule group records, click on the Add Row button again. Complete steps 5-8.
  10. To remove any of the group records, click on the Remove button.
  11. When all schedule groups are configured, click on the Save button to save the record.