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Shift Trading Access Card

The Shift Trading Access card is used to configure the time frame that the employees assigned to this labor distribution has access to trade shifts with other qualified employees. The selection style used for validating the scheduling rules is also chosen here.

Steps for Setting Up the Shift Trading Access Card

To set up the Shift Trading for this Staffing Configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Staffing Configuration screen, open the staffing configuration record to be configured.
  2. Complete the Steps for Setting Up Self Scheduling.
  3. Click on the Self Schedule tab and expand the Shift Trading Access card.
  4. In the Shift Trade Begin Advance Days field, enter the number of days before the start of the next schedule period to identify the first day that an employee can start trading shifts in the next schedule period. Some shifts in the current schedule period can be traded, too. See the following diagram for explanation.

    Note: This value must be smaller than the value entered in the Self Schedule End Advance Days field in the Self Scheduling Access card.

  5. In the Shift Trade End Advance Days field, enter the number of days before the scheduled shift to determine if it can be traded. Before this point, the shift can be traded. After this point, the shift cannot be traded.

  6. In the Shift Trade Selection Style field, enter the selection style to be used to verify if an employee is able to trade a specific shift. Built into the selection style are validations such as station and skill requirements, overtime hours, approved hours, etc. The selection style options available have been previously set up on the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Selection Styles screen.

    Note: The Shift Offering and Shift Trading features can be available during the same time frame.

  7. In the Shift Trade Qualification Level field, enter the profile qualification needed in order for employees to propose trades. If an employee does not meet the qualification level, then the employee will not be able to propose a shift trade.

Shift Trade Begin Advance Days

This value is used to determine the number of days before the start of the next schedule period to identify the first day that an employee can start trading shifts in the next schedule period.

A common practice is to publish the schedule 14 days before the start of the next schedule period. Therefore, it is common to set this parameter to 14. In this example, an employee will be able to trade shifts anytime in the next schedule period starting 14 days before the next schedule period begins.

Shift Trade End Advance Days

The number of days before the scheduled shift that determines when it can be traded.

Once a trade is submitted, a manager will usually need to review the request. To give managers the opportunity to review the request, enough time has to be allowed between the request and the time the shift is to be worked. A common practice is to allow 2 days to review the request. Therefore, it is common to set this parameter to 2.

Shift Trade Selection Style

Determines the selection style to be used when validating whether an employee is allowed to trade a schedule with another employee.

For example, the selection style may validate that the employee will not go into overtime, has a minimum rest interval, etc. The rules included in each selection style are previously set up on the Selection Styles configuration table with the Type of Edit Validation.

Shift Trade Qualification Level

Profile qualifications allow you to define levels of requirements that an employee must meet to propose the trade.Profile qualifications are set on the Profile Qualification screen: Configuration section > Scheduling card > Profile Qualification.