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Self Scheduling Access Sequence

In order to be accessible for self scheduling, the first date of a scheduling period must fall within the self scheduling access period, which starts on or after the Self Schedule Begin Advance Days and ends on or before the Self Schedule End Advance Days values. If it falls in this window, the whole scheduling period is accessible for self scheduling.

When the first date of the scheduling period no longer falls between the Self Schedule Begin Advance Days and Self Schedule End Advance Days, the scheduling period is no longer accessible for self scheduling, even though some days in the schedule period may still fall in the access window.

Accessibility is the same for shift trading/offering, with the difference that the window is included even if the dates are not contained in a schedule period that has a begin date in the window.

When using both the Self-Scheduling and Shift Trading/Offering features, below is the sequence of access time frames. The access periods are calculated from the current date.

  1. Self scheduling time frame opens, based on the Self Schedule Begin Advance Days.
  2. Employees can self schedule, using the Open Self Schedule screen in the employee record. If self schedule groups are used, employees can only access self scheduling during the times set up for their group on the Self Schedule Group Order Table.
  3. Self scheduling time frame closes, based on the Self Schedule End Advance Days. The manager review time frame begins on this same date.

    Note: If Organization Unit Indicator SS Solution Standard 7 is set to 'N', employees cannot view pending schedules during the manager review period.

  4. The schedule is published.
  5. The manager review time frame ends, based on the Self Schedule Review Period End Advance Days. Employees can view all self scheduling information.
  6. The time frame opens for employees to transfer and/or offer shifts. Transfers and offers can occur in the same time frame.
    1. Employees can trade shifts, starting with date that is the number of days in advance of the shift date indicated by the Shift Trade Begin Advance Days.
    2. Employees can offer shifts, starting with the date that is the number of days in advance of the shift date indicated by the Shift Offer Begin Advance Days. Employees can accept offered shifts up to this same date.
  7. The time frame closes for employees to transfer and/or offer shifts.
    1. Employees cannot trade shifts, starting from the number of days before the shift date indicated in the Shift Trade End Advance Days field.
    2. Employees cannot offer shifts, starting from the number of days before the shift date indicated in the Shift Offer End Advance Days field.

      Note: For more information on setting up the screens for self scheduling, see Feature Configuration> Self Scheduling Configuration.

Examples of Self Scheduling/Trading/Offering

The following related topics are available:

Self Scheduling Access Card

Shift Trading Access Card

Shift Offering Access Card