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My Preferences Card

The My Preferences card opens screens to allow each user to personalize various screen display views and defaults within the application.

The options set up on the System Preferences card are the defaults for all users. Individual users can override these system settings to customize the displays and defaults.

On any screen, the user may set the values back to the system defaults by clicking on the Reset button to clear the override values on that screen.

Note: The icons available in this screen are determined by the authorization role of the current user. The current user may not have access to all of the options described in the following pages.

Cards in this Section


Default Organization Unit

Default Schedule Group

Default Selection Style

Employee LaborView

Employee Section

Event Subscriptions

Home Page


Notification Method

Open Shift Notifications

Productivity Entry Days

Report Favorites



Self Scheduling Visual Cues

Supervisor LaborView

Time Card Screen

Time Zone