Generate the Report
The Auto Generate Reports screen opens a wizard to configure which reports to run.
To run the auto generated reports, complete the following steps:
- Go to Actions section>Processes card>Auto-Generate Reports screen.
- Determine the group of reports that you want to generate by setting the Resend field to Yes or No.
- Resend = No: Only those reports that have not been previously generated are printed.
- Resend = Yes: All reports matching the criteria set up on this screen are generated, whether or not they have been generated previously. A new Generation Date is applied to the Report Assignment Detail record.
- Enter the Begin Date and End Date to indicate the date range to print reports. These values default to today’s date but may be modified as needed. If the begin and end date are left as defaults, the process generates reports scheduled to print today.
- Select the Report Group to print reports for a specific report group only. If this field does not have a value, it prints records for all report groups, sending the reports to each group’s assigned printer as defined for each report group.
- The Item field is used to further define which reports to print by item (i.e. Classroom, Course, Employee, Instructor, or Resource). These values are related to the
Print Classification of the reports. It allows you to choose an item and then specify which record you want to print the report for.Determines how the system counts the number of copies of reports that need to be printed. Valid options from the pull down menu include: One Copy per Class, One Copy per Instructor, One Copy per Classroom, One Copy per Attendee, and One Copy per Resource.
- Click on the Next button to open the Course Search screen to select one or more classes to report on.
- Click on Next to produce a Report Summary screen. This screen indicates which reports are scheduled to print for each class and which printer they are sent to.
- To change the printer, select an Override Printer from the Field Look Up Values.
- Click on the Back button to return to the previous screen and to change the criteria.
- Click Finish from the Report Summary to send the reports to their respective printers. The summary is still available to view where each report was sent.
Note: The auto-generation process tracks whether or not a report has been printed for each employee, in case the employee was added after the original reports have been run. If reports were generated for attendees this morning and 5 new attendees were added after that point, when the process is run with Resend set to No, it only prints all employee reports for the new attendees which were not previously generated.
Begin Date
The first day of the date range to print reports. This value defaults to today’s date but may be modified as needed.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
End Date
The last day of the date range to print reports. This value defaults to today’s date but may be modified as needed.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
Allows the user to further define which reports to print by item: Classroom, Course, Employee, Instructor, or Resource. These values are related to the Print Classification of the reports.
Override Printer
Sends the reports to another selected printer (other than the default).
Print Classification
Determines how the system counts the number of copies of reports that need to be printed. Valid options from the pull down menu include: One Copy per Class, One Copy per Instructor, One Copy per Classroom, One Copy per Attendee, and One Copy per Resource.
Report Group
To print reports for a specific Report Group only, select the Report Group Code from the drop down menu. If this field does not have a value, it prints records for all report groups – sending the reports to each group’s assigned printer.
Determines whether to include only those reports that have not been previously generated (Yes/No).
- Resend = No: Only prints those reports that have not been previously generated.
- Resend = Yes: All reports matching the criteria set up on this screen are generated – whether or not they have been generated previously. A new Generation Date is applied to the Report Assignment Detail record.