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Auto-Generate Reports

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Assign the Report to a Course/Competency

If the same reports are always assigned to specific classes, it may be beneficial to assign these reports on the Course/Competency level. When associated classes are created, the reports assigned to the course are defaulted and don't need to be assigned to every class.

The reports do not need to be set up on the course level for a class to be assigned reports. The report list can be assigned or modified on the class level without affecting any course assigned reports.

To assign the Report to a Course/Competency, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Configuration section>Education Tracking card> Course/Competency screen.
  2. Use the search features to find the specific course/competency.
  3. On the General screen, fill in the Education Report Group Code field (this is mandatory at the class level to assign reports but not at the course level).
  4. Click the Save button if any changes were made to the Course – General section.
  5. Click the Reports button to assign reports to the course.
  6. In the Actions section of the left pane, click the Add button.
  7. Choose the Print Classification:
    1. One Copy Per Class
    2. One Copy Per Instructor
    3. One Copy Per Classroom
    4. One Copy Per Attendee
    5. One Copy Per Resource
  8. The list of reports that shows in the right pane is determined by the Print Classification chosen in #7 above.
  9. Set the Relative Day value. The relative day is added to the date of the class to determine when the report is scheduled to print.
    1. If no value is entered, the report is matched up with a course/class, but it is not auto-generated.
    2. If a value is entered, the following rules apply:
      • If 0 is entered, the report prints the day of the class.
      • If a negative number if entered, the report prints X days BEFORE the class.
      • If a positive number is entered, the report prints X days AFTER the class.
  10. Click the Save button to save the course report assignment. Note: A report cannot be saved to the same course twice.

    Note: If associated classes are already set up when the reports are assigned to a course, these reports are not assigned to the classes already set up. They are only assigned to future classes being set up. However, Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling does have a standard script that will take all reports assigned to a course and automatically distribute them to any associated classes scheduled for today or any time in the future. Contact your API Healthcare representative for more information.

The following related topics are available:

Select the Reports

Set Up the Report Parameters

Create the Report Groups

Assign the Report to a Class

Generate the Report

Education Report Group Code

Assigns this class to a specific report group for printing reports.

Print Classification

Determines how the system counts the number of copies of reports that need to be printed. Valid options from the pull down menu include: One Copy per Class, One Copy per Instructor, One Copy per Classroom, One Copy per Attendee, and One Copy per Resource.

Relative Day

Indicates when the reports should be created, based on the number of days before or after the scheduled class date.