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Set the Activity Code Indicator

The activity code indicator determines if the activity is monitored in ActiveRoster and how it impacts the Status fields.

Set the activity code indicator

To set the activity code indicator, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Configuration section > Scheduling card > Activity Code.
  2. Search for and open the appropriate activity codes.

    The appropriate activity codes are those that you want to have monitored by ActiveRoster.

  3. Click the Indicators tab, and open the ActiveRoster card.
  4. In the ActiveRoster Standard 1 field, select the appropriate option.
  5. Click Save.

The following related topics are available:

Assign the Authorization Roles

Set the AR Application Indicators and Parameters

Set the Organization Unit Indicator and Parameters

Set the Job Class Indicator

Set the Employee Indicator

Set the Pay Code Indicator

Set the Special Code Indicator

Set up Schedule Groups