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Setting up ActiveRoster

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Assign the Authorization Roles

The following standard roles (or their equivalent replicated roles) are available:

Assign the appropriate roles to those involved with setting up or using ActiveRoster.

Note: Access to add, edit, or delete scheduling and clocking data is granted through other roles.

Assign roles on the Employee screen

To assign an ActiveRoster role to an employee, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Employee section.
  2. Search for and open the appropriate employee.
  3. Under the Employee Sections, click Roles.
  4. Under the Role Actions, click Add.
  5. Click in the Authorization Role Code field and select the appropriate role from the Field Look Up Values list.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Under the Role Assignment Sections, click Data Access.
  8. Under the Role Assignment Actions, click and set the access levels you would like to assign to the employee.

Assign roles with Authorization Manager

To assign an ActiveRoster role to an employee, complete the following steps.

  1. Log on to Authorization Manager.
  2. Click the Authorization Assignment tab.
  3. In the Employees command group, click Add Assignments.
  4. Complete the steps in the wizard to search for the appropriate employees and roles.
  5. Assign the roles and click Finish.

The following related topics are available:

Set the AR Application Indicators and Parameters

Set the Organization Unit Indicator and Parameters

Set the Job Class Indicator

Set the Employee Indicator

Set the Activity Code Indicator

Set the Pay Code Indicator

Set the Special Code Indicator

Set up Schedule Groups