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Setting up ActiveRoster

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Set the Organization Unit Indicator and Parameters

The organization unit indicator and parameters determine how ActiveRoster works for an individual unit. These settings can differ between organization units.

Set the organization unit indicator

To set the organization unit indicator, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Configuration section > Organization Unit card > Organization Unit.
  2. Search for and open the desired organization units.
  3. Click the Indicators tab and open the ActiveRoster card.
  4. In the ActiveRoster Standard 1 field, select the appropriate option.
  5. Click Save.

Set the organization unit parameters

To set the organization unit parameters, complete the following steps.

  1. Select Configuration section > Organization Unit card > Organization Unit.
  2. Search for and open the desired organization units.
  3. Click the Parameters tab and open the ActiveRoster card.

    Tip: For assistance with making decisions about parameter values, contact an Implementation Consultant.

  4. Using the following table for assistance, set the the appropriate values for each parameter.
  5. Click Save.

Organization unit parameter table

ActiveRoster standard integer



This value is added to the current time to determine when an existing schedule or clocking is considered in the future


This value is subtracted from the employee scheduled start time to determine if the employee is on time

Example: If this value is set to 2, an employee is not considered early until they arrive 3 or more minutes before their start time.


This value is added to the employee scheduled start time to determine if the employee is late

Example: If this value is set to 2, an employee is not considered late until they arrive 3 or more minutes after their start time.


Identifies the number of minutes between schedules to consider the schedule continuous with the previous schedule


Identifies the number of minutes between clockings to consider the clocking continuous with the previous clocking

The following related topics are available:

Assign the Authorization Roles

Set the AR Application Indicators and Parameters

Set the Job Class Indicator

Set the Employee Indicator

Set the Activity Code Indicator

Set the Pay Code Indicator

Set the Special Code Indicator

Set up Schedule Groups