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Unavailability Requests

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Searching for an Unavailability Request

The Unavailability Request Search screen is the default screen when the Unavailability Requests screen is opened. It is used to search for employee unavailability and recurring unavailability requests using the filter criteria. Depending on the authorization role of the user, selected records can be viewed, handled, edited, or deleted.

To open and view details of a request:

  1. After searching for a request, select one or more Request records to open and view by checking the box to the left of the record.
  2. Click on the folder to the left of a record to open it first.
  3. If multiple records were selected, use the Request Navigator section in the left pane to scroll between records.

The icons under the Status column indicate the status of the request:


Indicates the supervisor has approved this request.


Indicates this request was canceled by either the supervisor or the submitting employee.


Indicates this request was denied by the supervisor, or that it was canceled by either the supervisor or the submitting employee.


Indicates that this request has not been handled yet.

Pending Review

Indicates the supervisor has seen this request, but has not yet handled it.

The icons under the Classification column indicate the type of request:


This icon indicates a single transaction or time frame for unavailability (for example, vacation).

Recurring Unavailability

This icon indicates a recurring cycle of unavailability on specific days of the week (for example, for a Continuing Education class).

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.


Date Range Begin

Date Range End

Employee Code

Employee First Name

Employee Last Name

Organization Unit

Schedule Group


The following related topics are available:

Handling Existing Unavailability Requests

Request Off Replacement Feature

Adding an Employee Unavailability Request

Adding an Employee Recurring Unavailability Request


Indicates the type of unavailability request submitted by the employee (Unavailability or Recurring Unavailability).

Date Range Begin

The first date of a range in which to search for a request. If the effective time frame of the request falls within the Date Range Begin and Date Range End dates, that request is included in the results listing.

More About Date Value Fields

Date Range End

The last date of a range in which to search for a request. If the effective time frame of the request falls within the Date Range Begin and Date Range End dates, that request is included in the results listing.

More About Date Value Fields

Employee Code

The identification code of the employee submitting the request.

Employee First Name

The first name of the employee submitting the request.

Employee Last Name

The last name of the employee submitting the request.

Organization Unit

The Home Labor Distribution of the employees who have submitted a request. Choose the option button to select a specific Organization Unit or a Schedule Group.

The trunk, branch, and leaf organization unit levels are displayed. The labels of the different levels is determined by the corporation.

Schedule Group

The schedule group that includes the Home Labor Distribution of the employees who have submitted a request. Choose the option button to select a specific Organization Unit or a Schedule Group.


The approval status of the request.

More About Request Status Codes