Handling Existing Unavailability Requests
After running the search, all Unavailability Request records that meet the selection criteria are displayed.
To change the status of any of the listed transaction requests, complete the following steps:
- Select all the records to update by checking the box to the left of each record.
- Click on the folder of the first record to be viewed. The record details are displayed:
- The information box at the top of the middle pane gives basic information about the transaction.
- The middle section displays basic information on the transaction. The values in these fields are editable.
- If using the Replace Activity feature, enter either the
Activity Code or the
Pay Code value to replace the activity code that would ordinarily be scheduled for this employee. Note: This feature only applies when running the scheduling process AFTER the request has been approved. The non-productive pay code the employee should receive on the scheduled days during the unavailability request date range. If this field is filled in, the Activity Code field is disabled.
Note: This field is only visible if the Request Off Replacement Feature is enabled.
The non-productive activity code the employee should receive on the scheduled days during the unavailability request date range. If this field is filled in, the Pay Code field is disabled.
Activity codes available in the Field Look Up values are assigned to the employee's home labor distribution AND are set to be non-productive (
Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 is set to N.)
Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 determines whether an activity code is productive or non-productive.
Valid Indicator Options:
This activity code is non-productive.
This activity code is productive.
Note: This indicator is found in the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Activity Codes screen>Indicators tab>Schedule Process card.
Note: This field is only visible if the Request Off Replacement Feature is enabled.
- In the
Reviewer Comments field, enter any comments. For example, this field can be used to explain when the status is changed to Denied or Pending Review.Free-form typing field that allows the supervisor to add any comments or additional information on the handling of this request.
- Click on the Approve, Cancel, Deny, Pending Review, Set Requested or Delete Request action button in the left pane to change the status of the selected request.
- If the request is approved, the corresponding pages in the employee record are updated to include the entry information.
- If the request is approved, the corresponding organization unit schedule is updated to include the unavailability request dates, if applicable.
- Employees are notified of the change in status of their requests on their Home Page on the
My Unavailability Requests card or on the
Requests card on the employee TCS screen.The Requests card opens a listing of all requests, including Unavailability and Recurring Unavailability requests submitted for the employee. The requests are sorted by status (e.g. requested, pending review, etc.) and then by type (e.g. unavailability, trade, etc.)
- Click on the card arrow to the right of a specific request to open and view the details.
The following icons or fields are displayed on this card:
The note icon
indicates there is a note, which is the text entered in the Reason field by the employee for the request.
The icons under the Status column indicate the status of the transaction request:
The request is approved by the supervisor, and is added to the employee schedule.
The request is canceled by either the supervisor or the employee. The system saves a record of the transaction.
The request is not allowed by the supervisor.
The request has been submitted and is pending approval or denial from the supervisor.
Pending Review
The supervisor is indicating he or she has seen the request but hasn't updated the status.
The icons under the Type column indicate the type of transaction:
This icon indicates a single transaction or time frame for unavailability (for example, vacation).
Recurring Unavailability
This icon indicates a recurring cycle of unavailability on specific days of the week (for example, for a Continuing Education class).
Start Date
The date the unavailability request begins.
End Date
The date the unavailability request ends.
The days of the week included in a recurring unavailability request.
Reviewer Comments
Notes entered by the supervisor reviewing the request. For example, if the request is denied, this field could contain the reason for the denial.
The current approval status of the request (approved, denied, pending review, canceled, or requested).
The My Unavailability Requests card opens a listing of Unavailability and Recurring Unavailability requests submitted for the current user. The icon under the Status heading indicates the status of the request. Hover the cursor over the icon to view the status label and the date the status was assigned.
- Click the folder to the left of a specific request to open it. Then click the card arrow to view the details, or to edit or cancel requests that have not been approved or denied.
- When the request is open, the fields within the record can be edited.
- To cancel the request, click on the Cancel button in the left pane. The request is canceled but remains visible in the system.
- To delete the request, click on the Delete button in the left pane.
- Once a request has been viewed, click the box to the left of the record to enter a check mark, and then select the Hide Selected button to remove the request record from the screen.
The following fields are displayed on this card:
Click on the folder icon to open the record and view the details.
Selection Box
To select records to hide (once they have been viewed), click on the selection box to enter a check mark . Then click on the Hide Selected button.
The icons under the Type column indicate the type of transaction:
This icon indicates a single transaction or time frame for unavailability (for example, vacation).
Recurring Unavailability
This icon indicates a recurring cycle of unavailability on specific days of the week (for example, for a Continuing Education class).
The icons under the Status column indicate the status of the transaction request:
The request is approved by the supervisor, and is added to the employee schedule.
The request is canceled by either the supervisor or the employee. The system saves a record of the transaction.
The request is not allowed by the supervisor.
The request has been submitted and is pending approval or denial from the supervisor.
Pending Review
The supervisor is indicating he or she has seen the request but hasn't updated the status.
Start Date
The first date of the unavailability date range.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
End Date
The last date of the unavailability date range.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
The reason submitted by the employee for the unavailability request (e.g. vacation, CME class, etc.).
Reviewer Comments
Notes entered by the supervisor reviewing the request. For example, if the request is denied, this field could contain the reason for the denial.
- If employees have signed up to receive a notification when a request to work transaction is updated, the employee is sent either an email or a message. For more information, see the Preferences section>My Preferences card>Event Subscriptions.
- If an approved request overlaps existing schedules, the user is given the option to delete the overlapping schedules.
- Click on the Approve Without Deleting button to leave the existing schedules intact OR
- Click on the Delete Selected button to delete the schedules and remove them from the schedule screen.
- Approved requests can be Canceled, which denies the authorization for the request but leaves a record in the system of the request.
Action Buttons
The following action buttons may be available in the left pane:
The following status options are available:
The Approve button is used to allow the employee to take the request.
To approve one or more records, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be approved.
A check mark is displayed.
- Click the Approve button.
The status of the request is updated to Approved.
Note: Depending on the record type, check boxes may not be available when a single record is open.
The Cancel or Cancel Selected status is used to withdraw one or more previously submitted requests.
To cancel request records, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be canceled.
A check mark is displayed.
- Click on the Cancel or Cancel Selected button in the left pane.
The status of the request is updated to Canceled and the following icon is displayed
Note: Depending on the record type, check boxes may not be available when a single record is open.
The Deny button is used to inform employees that their request is not allowed.
To deny one or more records, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be denied.
A check mark is displayed
- Click the Deny button in the left pane.
The status is updated to Denied, and the following icon is displayed
Note: Depending on the record type, check boxes may not be available when a single record is open.
The following edit options are available:
Add Calendar
The Add Calendar button is used to open a screen to add a new calendar entry to an existing calendar request. To add a calendar entry to an existing request, complete the following steps:
- Search for the transaction request record from the Actions section>Approval card> Transaction Requests screen.
- Click on the folder to open the record.
- Click on the Add Calendar button in the left pane. Fill in the information. For more information, see Steps for Adding a Calendar Entry via the Add Calendar screen.
- Save the record. The new calendar entry is added to the request.
Delete Request
The Delete Request button is used to delete a previously submitted request.
To delete one or more requests from the listing, complete the following steps.
- Click on the box to the left of each entry to be deleted.
A check mark is displayed.
- Click on the Delete Request button.
Note: This option deletes the entire request and each individual record within the request. To delete a single date, use the Remove From Request option.
Cancel Request
The Cancel Request button is used to cancel the entire request and all the records included in the request. When a request is canceled, it is set to a status of Canceled but is still displayed in transaction screens.
To cancel the entire request records, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be canceled.
A check mark is displayed.
- Click on the Cancel Request button in the left pane.
The status of the request is updated to Canceled and the following icon is displayed
Note: Depending on the record type, check boxes may not be available when a single record is open.
Remove From Request
The Remove From Request button allows users to remove the selected entries from the request. For example, if an employee has a request with multiple, non-consecutive days, one or more of the days can be removed from the request.
To remove lines from a request, complete the following steps.
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be canceled.
A check mark is displayed.
- Click on the Remove From Request button in the left pane.
The record line is removed from the request.