Combination of Shifts Assignment
The Combination of Shifts assignment is used to limit the number of shifts of a certain length that the employee can be scheduled to work during each week. For example, the rule can be set up so that employees in the assignment can work up to two 12-hour shifts and one 8-hour shift one week, and three 8-hour shifts and one 12-hour shift the alternate week.
Note: For more information on setting up Scheduling Assignment screens, see the Scheduling Assignments Overview page.
Steps to Create a Combination of Shifts Assignment
The following summarizes the steps needed to configure the Combination of Shifts assignment rule. These steps are described in more detail below.
Step 1: Create a new Range Table
- Set up the Range Tables General tab
- Set up the Range Tables Decimal Ranges
Step 2: Create a new Assignment Code
- Set up the Assignment Code, General tab
- Set up the Assignment Code, Indicators tab
- Set up the Assignment Code, Parameters tab
- Assign the Assignment Code, Range Table Categories
- Select the Qualification Criteria
Step 3: Verify qualifying Activity Codes are set up
Step 4: Add the Combination of Shifts validation to the Selection Styles
Step 1A: Set up the Range Tables General Tab
Prior to setting up the assignment code, range tables must be set up for the combination of shifts rules. These range tables indicate the length of the shifts and the number of shifts of that length to be included.
These ranges will be selected when setting up the Assignment Codes parameters screen to identify the number of shifts of each length to assign to a week in the rotation.
- Open the Configuration section>Assignments card>Range Table screen.
- Click on the Add button to add a new record.
- In the
Assignment Source Classification field, enter Standard. The system classification of the assignment source record (Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated). After entering the Assignment Source Classification, Assignment Source options with the selected classification are listed in the Field Look Up Values.
- In the
Assignment Source Code field, select Cmb Shifts from the Field Look Up Values in the right pane.The short name or abbreviation for the assignment source that relates to this record. These codes are previously set up on the Configuration section > Assignment card > Assignment Source screen.
Note: There are many standard assignment source codes that match the rule being validated. Additional replicated or user defined codes can be added.
- In the
Range Table Definition Code field, choose Rotation Weeks.Defines the type of range table used to indicate the upper and lower values of this range.
These options listed are standard with the system.
- Enter a
Code that will identify this range table record.The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation for this range of assignment values.
- Enter a
Description that describes this range table record.The label describing the range of assignment values.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
Step 1B: Set up Range Tables Decimal Ranges
- Click on the Decimal Range button to configure the shift length ranges and the number of shifts of that length allowed. Select the Add button.
- Enter a
Description that will identify this range of values.The label describing the range of assignment values.
- In the
Low Shift Length field, enter the shortest length of shift to be included in this validation. The smallest decimal value for this range. The valid values and label for this field changes depending on the type of range being set up. Note: If there is only one range value listed, this value is the STARTING VALUE FOR THE NEXT RANGE.
- In the
High Shift Length field, enter the longest length shift to be included in this validation.The largest decimal value for this range. The valid values and label for this field changes depending on the type of range being configured.
- Click on the Parameters tab.
- In the
Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Schedule Standard Integer 1 field, enter the maximum number of shifts of the indicated length range that are allowed by this assignment (as set up on the General tab).Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Integer 1 determines the maximum number of schedules (shifts) of the defined length that can be assigned to employees in a week.
For example, if this parameter is set to 2, employees in this assignment can only be scheduled for two shifts of the length defined by the Low Shift Length and High Shift Length fields.
Valid Values:
Positive whole numbers.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
Step 2A: Set up the Assignment Codes General Tab
- From the Configuration section>Assignments card> select the Assignment Code screen.
- Click on the Add button to add a new Assignment Code.
- Enter the date this Assignment Code will be effective.
- Select the Standard option from the
Assignment Source Classification field.The system classification of the assignment source record (Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated). After entering the Assignment Source Classification, Assignment Source options with the selected classification are listed in the Field Look Up Values.
- In the
Assignment Source Code field, select Cmb Shifts from the Field Look Up Values.The short name or abbreviation for the assignment source that relates to this record. These codes are previously set up on the Configuration section > Assignment card > Assignment Source screen.
Note: There are many standard assignment source codes that match the rule being validated. Additional replicated or user defined codes can be added.
- Enter a
Code and
Description to identify this combination shifts assignment record. The label describing this assignment code.
The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation identifying this assignment.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
Step 2B: Set up the Assignment Codes Indicators Tab
- With the record open, select the Indicators tab.
- Set
Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 to Y to activate the combination of shifts rule for this assignment. For assignments that should not use the combination shifts rule, set this indicator to N. Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 determines whether the Combination of Shifts rule is activated for this assignment.
This rule specifies the number of employee schedules (shifts) of a certain length that can be assigned each week.
Indicator Options:
This assignment does not validate the Combination of Shifts rule.
This assignment does validate the Combination of Shifts rule.
- In the
Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 field, indicate the number of weeks in the combination shifts rotation. Note: This value does not have to be the same as the number of weeks in a scheduling period. For example, if the scheduling period is 4 weeks in length, but the combination shifts rotation is for every other week, the number 2 can be entered in this field.Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 determines the number of weeks of rotation for this assignment. For example, if this value is set to 2, there are two separate weeks that may have different combinations.
The combination of shifts that can be assigned to each rotation week are set up on the Range Table Category screen and are assigned to the rotation weeks on the Range Table Category card in this assignment record.
Indicator Options:
This is a one week rotation.
This is a two week rotation.
This is a three week rotation.
This is a four week rotation.
This is a five week rotation.
This is a six week rotation.
- In the
Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 3 field, indicate whether non-productive activity codes should also be included in the validation of shift lengths. Combination of Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 3 determines whether schedules associated with non-productive activity codes or pay codes should be validated and included when counting the number of each length shift allowed.
For example, if this value is set to Y and the employee has an 8-hour vacation day, that day will count as fulfilling one of the 8-hour shifts.
Indicator Options:
Non-productive schedules are not validated during processing.
Non-productive schedules are validated during the schedule processing.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
Step 2C: Set up the Assignment Codes Parameters Tab
- With the assignment code open, click on the Parameters tab.
- In the
Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1 field, enter the date when the rotation of weeks is to begin. Note: it is recommended that you set the Combination of Shifts Period Start Date to a Sunday, or to the the same day as the start of a Pay Period. This allows for consistency in defining a ‘week’ as either a calendar week or a pay week.Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1 determines the start of the Combination of Shifts rotation. Starting from this date, the system counts out seven days, and that constitutes the first "week". This week will be assigned the shifts set up on the Week 1 Range Table values, the following week will be assigned the shifts set up on the Week 2 Range Table values, etc.
Note: It is recommended that you set the Combination of Shifts Period Start Date to a Sunday or to the same day as the start of a Pay Period. This allows for consistency in defining a "‘week" as either a calendar week or a pay week.
Valid Values:
Any valid date
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
Step 2D: Select the Range Table Category for Each Week
The Range Table Categories tab opens a screen where the number and lengths of qualifying shifts are attached to each week in a rotation. There are six weeks available on this screen, however, just set up the number of weeks that are included in the rotation. For example, if the value of
Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 is set to 4, only set up Weeks 1-4 in this screen.
Cmb Shifts Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 determines the number of weeks of rotation for this assignment. For example, if this value is set to 2, there are two separate weeks that may have different combinations.
The combination of shifts that can be assigned to each rotation week are set up on the Range Table Category screen and are assigned to the rotation weeks on the Range Table Category card in this assignment record.
Indicator Options:
This is a one week rotation.
This is a two week rotation.
This is a three week rotation.
This is a four week rotation.
This is a five week rotation.
This is a six week rotation.
- Select the Range Table Categories tab.
- In the Week 1 field, select the range table that should be assigned for the first week of a rotation from the Field Look Up Values in the right pane.
- In the Week 2 field, select the range table that should be assigned for the second week of a rotation. Continue filling in the shift combination for all the applicable weeks of the rotation.
Note: The options that are available in the right pane have been previously set up on the Range Table screen in a record where the Assignment Source Code is set to Cmb Shifts.
Step 2E: Select the Qualification Criteria
- Click on the Criteria section button in the left pane to open a screen to indicate which employees should be given this assignment.
- Click on the Add button in the left pane.
- Enter the Effective Date, Code, and criteria options that identify employees who should be given this assignment. Note: The field options that are displayed on this screen are selected on the Configuration section>Assignment card>Assignment Source screen. If additional fields are required, they must be added through that screen first. For more information, see the Assignment Source page.
- Click on Save to save the record.
- To add additional groups of employees to this assignment, click on the Add button again and complete another criteria screen. The groups set up for this assignment are displayed.
Step 3: Verify Qualifying Activity Codes are Set Up
For the system to automatically schedule activity codes during the scheduling process, they must be set up for auto scheduling. Also, there must be activity codes of the qualifying length. For example, if the combination of shifts rule is set up to schedule 3 shifts of 6-8 hours and 2 shifts of 10-12 hours, be sure there are activity codes of these lengths set up to be automatically scheduled for both the day and night shifts.
Note: If a profile is set up with ANY activity codes selected on the Activities screen, the system only uses those activity codes during the automatic scheduling process. Be sure there are activity codes of the sufficient length in hours for all coverage periods.
- From the Configuration section>Scheduling card, open the Activity Code screen.
- Search for the activities to be updated.
- Click on the Indicators tab, and open the Schedule Process card.
- Set Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 3 to Yes to allow it to be automatically scheduled.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
Note: Multiple activity codes can be updated at the same time by using the Replace feature. For more information, see Replacing Record Values.
Step 4: Add the Combination of Shifts Rule to the Selection Styles
The Combination of Shifts rule must be selected as one of the validations in the selection style for this rule to work.
- From the Configuration section>Scheduling card, select the Selection Styles page.
- Open the selection style being used with the scheduling process.
- Open each need-based scheduling pass.
- If the Combination of Shifts rule is not selected, highlight the rule in the Available Rules column, drag it to the Selected Rules column.
- Repeat steps 3-4 for each pass that uses the need-based scheduling rules.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.