Weekends Not Tracked
The Weekends Not Tracked assignment can be used when some employees in an organization unit are scheduled normally during weekends and some employees have special scheduling rules during weekends. Employees who are scheduled for weekends the same as any other day need to be given a separate assignment from employees who work a weekend rotation.
The weekend rule in the Selection Style must be activated to schedule properly for those employees who do have special weekend rules.
Steps to Create an Assignment Where Weekends Are Not Tracked
The following summarizes the steps to create an assignment where Weekends Are Not Tracked. Click on the link to access details on each of the steps below.
Step 1: Create a new Assignment Code
- Set up the Assignment Code General tab
- Set up the Assignment Code Indicator tab
- Set up the Assignment Codes Parameters tab
- Set up the Assignment Code Qualification Criteria
Step 2: Add the Weekend Validation to the Selection Styles
Step 3: Enter the Employee Weekend Shift Eligibility Date, if applicable
1A: Set up the Assignment Code General Screen
- Go to the Configuration section>Assignments card>Assignment Code screen.
- Click on Add to enter a new record.
- Select the Standard option from the
Assignment Source Classification field.The system classification of the assignment source record (Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated). After entering the Assignment Source Classification, Assignment Source options with the selected classification are listed in the Field Look Up Values.
- In the
Assignment Source Code field, select Weekend from the field look up values.The short name or abbreviation for the assignment source that relates to this record. These codes are previously set up on the Configuration section > Assignment card > Assignment Source screen.
Note: There are many standard assignment source codes that match the rule being validated. Additional replicated or user defined codes can be added.
- Enter a
Code and
Description to identify this weekend assignment record. The label describing this assignment code.
The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation identifying this assignment.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
1B: Set Up the Assignment Code Indicators tab
- From the Assignment Code record, select the Indicators tab.
- Set Weekend Assignment Code Schedule Standard 1 to Y to process this assignment using weekend rules.
- Leave the Schedule Standard 2 default.
- Weekend Assignment Code Schedule Standard 3 should be set to N.
- Weekend Assignment Code Schedule Standard 4 should be set to N.
- Weekend Assignment Code Schedule Standard 5 should be set to N.
- Click on the Save button to save the record.
1C: Set up the Assignment Codes Parameters Tab
- With the assignment record open, select the Parameters tab.
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1 is not used for this assignment, and the field can be left blank.Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Date 1 indicates the date where the X out of Y Weekend rotation begins.
Valid Values:
Any valid date.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
- In the
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Date 2 is not used for this assignment, and the field can be left blank.Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Date 2 indicates the date when the Every Other Weekend rotation begins. Employees are eligible to work alternating weekends beginning with the weekend closest to the date entered in this field.
A second assignment should be set up for this rule where the date entered is the following week. Employees assigned to the second assignment would be eligible to work the opposite weekends of the employees in the first assignment.
Valid Values:
Any valid date.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
- In
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard DOW 1, select the day of the week that the weekend time frame begins from the menu.Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard DOW 1 indicates the day of the week which starts the weekend time frame.
The weekend time frame starts on the Weekend Start Date (Schedule Standard DOW 1) on the Weekend Start Time (Schedule Standard Time 1) and ends on the Weekend End Date (Schedule Standard DOW 2) on the Weekend End Time (Schedule Standard Time 2).
Indicator Options:
Select the day of the week from the drop down menu.
- In
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard DOW 2, select the day of the week that the weekend time frame ends from the menu.Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard DOW 2 indicates the day of the week which ends the weekend time frame.
The weekend time frame starts on the Weekend Start Date (Schedule Standard DOW 1) on the Weekend Start Time (Schedule Standard Time 1) and ends on the Weekend End Date (Schedule Standard DOW 2) on the Weekend End Time (Schedule Standard Time 2).
Indicator Options:
Select the day of the week from the drop down menu.
- In the
Weekend Assignment Code Schedule Standard Hour 1 field, enter the minimum number of hours an employee schedule must overlap a weekend time frame for the schedule to be counted as a weekend schedule. This field needs to be set up if the weekend eligible shifts are tracked by hours in the weekend--
Weekend Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 is set to H. Weekend Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 indicates the method of how an employee schedule is determined to be a week end schedule.
Valid Indicator Options:
Weekend schedules are determined by hours within the weekend date/time range.
For example, if this field is set to 2, an employee's schedule must have at least two hours scheduled within the weekend date/time range to be considered a weekend schedule.
Note: The number of hours for this indicator is set up on Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Hour 1.
Weekend schedules are determined by percentage of the shift within the weekend date/time range.
The system compares the total length of the schedule with the amount of time that falls within the weekend time frame. For example: An employee works an 8-hour schedule, and 2 hours falls within the weekend time frame. If the percentage value were set to 50%, the schedule would not qualify as a weekend schedule because only 25% of the time falls within the weekend time frame.
Note: The percentage for this indicator is set up on Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Percent 1.
Weekend schedules are determined by start time.
If the start time of an employee's schedule falls within the time frame of the weekend (as defined by the starting and ending dates/times of the weekend) it is considered to be a weekend schedule.
Note: The starting dates/times of the weekend are set up on the Weekend Assignment Code Parameters tab: Schedule Standard DOW 1 and 2 and Schedule Standard Time 1 and 2.
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Hour 1 indicates the minimum number of hours that must be included in a schedule in order for that schedule to be classified as a weekend schedule.
For example, if this value is set to 2, there must be two or more hours of an employee schedule that falls within the weekend time frame, as determined by the Start Date/Start Time and End Date/End Time settings.
This value is used if a weekend schedule is determined by minimum hours, when Weekend Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 is set to H.
Valid Values:
Any numeric value.
- Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Standard Integers 1-3 are used with the X out of Y Weekend rule, and do not need to be set up for this assignment.
- In the
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Standard Integer 4 field, enter the maximum number of schedules that an employee should be assigned during a single weekend time frame. For example, if a 2 is entered here, an employee will only be assigned two schedules within an eligible weekend time frame.Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Integer 4 determines the maximum number of schedules that an employee should be assigned during a single weekend time frame. For example, if a 2 is entered here, an employee will only be assigned two schedules within an eligible weekend time frame.
Valid Values:
Any positive integer
- In the
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Time 1, enter the time on the Weekend Start Day that the weekend range begins.Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Time 1 determines the time the weekend time frame begins on the Weekend Start Date.
The weekend time frame starts on the Weekend Start Date (Schedule Standard DOW 1) on the Weekend Start Time (Schedule Standard Time 1) and ends on the Weekend End Date (Schedule Standard DOW 2) on the Weekend End Time (Schedule Standard Time 2).
Valid Values:
Any properly formatted time value.
More About Time Value Fields
When a field requires a Time Value, the value must be formatted in 24-hour time. This means after noon, the hour value entered should have 12 added to the hour value shown on the clock. For example, if the time is 3:00 pm, the correct value in 24-hour format is 15:00 (12+3 = 15).
- The system automatically formats entered values to hh:mm (two-digit hour value, two-digit minute value separated by a colon).
- Enter 1500 and the system automatically adds the colon between the hour and minute values to convert this to 15:00.
- Enter 900 and the system adds the leading zeros and colon to convert this to 09:00.
- The system adds leading zeros to any value less than 4 digits. For example, if 9 is entered, the system converts this to 00:09 (nine minutes after midnight).
- If the last two digits of the entered value is larger than 59, this cannot be converted to a valid time and an error message is generated.
- If the first two digits of a four-digit value is larger than 23, this cannot be converted to a valid time and an error message is generated.
- Enter midnight as 00:00; enter noon as 12:00.
- If a "p" or "pm" is entered after the hour value, the system automatically converts the time to the corresponding afternoon value in 24-hour time. For example:
- Enter 300p or 300pm and the system converts this to 15:00 and adds the colon.
- In the
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Time 2, enter the time on the Weekend End Day that the weekend range ends.Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Time 2 determines the time the weekend time frame ends on the Weekend End Date.
The weekend time frame starts on the Weekend Start Date (Schedule Standard DOW 1) on the Weekend Start Time (Schedule Standard Time 1) and ends on the Weekend End Date (Schedule Standard DOW 2) on the Weekend End Time (Schedule Standard Time 2).
Valid Values:
Any properly formatted time value.
More About Time Value Fields
When a field requires a Time Value, the value must be formatted in 24-hour time. This means after noon, the hour value entered should have 12 added to the hour value shown on the clock. For example, if the time is 3:00 pm, the correct value in 24-hour format is 15:00 (12+3 = 15).
- The system automatically formats entered values to hh:mm (two-digit hour value, two-digit minute value separated by a colon).
- Enter 1500 and the system automatically adds the colon between the hour and minute values to convert this to 15:00.
- Enter 900 and the system adds the leading zeros and colon to convert this to 09:00.
- The system adds leading zeros to any value less than 4 digits. For example, if 9 is entered, the system converts this to 00:09 (nine minutes after midnight).
- If the last two digits of the entered value is larger than 59, this cannot be converted to a valid time and an error message is generated.
- If the first two digits of a four-digit value is larger than 23, this cannot be converted to a valid time and an error message is generated.
- Enter midnight as 00:00; enter noon as 12:00.
- If a "p" or "pm" is entered after the hour value, the system automatically converts the time to the corresponding afternoon value in 24-hour time. For example:
- Enter 300p or 300pm and the system converts this to 15:00 and adds the colon.
- In the
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Percent 1, enter the percentage of an employee schedule that must fall within the weekend time frame for it to be counted as as weekend schedule. This field needs to be set up if the weekend eligible shifts are tracked by hours in the weekend--
Weekend Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 is set to P.Weekend Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 indicates the method of how an employee schedule is determined to be a week end schedule.
Valid Indicator Options:
Weekend schedules are determined by hours within the weekend date/time range.
For example, if this field is set to 2, an employee's schedule must have at least two hours scheduled within the weekend date/time range to be considered a weekend schedule.
Note: The number of hours for this indicator is set up on Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Hour 1.
Weekend schedules are determined by percentage of the shift within the weekend date/time range.
The system compares the total length of the schedule with the amount of time that falls within the weekend time frame. For example: An employee works an 8-hour schedule, and 2 hours falls within the weekend time frame. If the percentage value were set to 50%, the schedule would not qualify as a weekend schedule because only 25% of the time falls within the weekend time frame.
Note: The percentage for this indicator is set up on Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Percent 1.
Weekend schedules are determined by start time.
If the start time of an employee's schedule falls within the time frame of the weekend (as defined by the starting and ending dates/times of the weekend) it is considered to be a weekend schedule.
Note: The starting dates/times of the weekend are set up on the Weekend Assignment Code Parameters tab: Schedule Standard DOW 1 and 2 and Schedule Standard Time 1 and 2.
Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Percent 1 is used to indicate the percentage of an employee schedule that must fall within the weekend time frame in order for it to be counted as as weekend schedule. For example, if this field is set to 50.00, then 50% of an employee schedule must fall within the weekend date range.
This field needs to be set up if the weekend schedule eligibility is determined by percentage of schedule, where
Weekend Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 is set to P.
Weekend Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 indicates the method of how an employee schedule is determined to be a week end schedule.
Valid Indicator Options:
Weekend schedules are determined by hours within the weekend date/time range.
For example, if this field is set to 2, an employee's schedule must have at least two hours scheduled within the weekend date/time range to be considered a weekend schedule.
Note: The number of hours for this indicator is set up on Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Hour 1.
Weekend schedules are determined by percentage of the shift within the weekend date/time range.
The system compares the total length of the schedule with the amount of time that falls within the weekend time frame. For example: An employee works an 8-hour schedule, and 2 hours falls within the weekend time frame. If the percentage value were set to 50%, the schedule would not qualify as a weekend schedule because only 25% of the time falls within the weekend time frame.
Note: The percentage for this indicator is set up on Weekend Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Percent 1.
Weekend schedules are determined by start time.
If the start time of an employee's schedule falls within the time frame of the weekend (as defined by the starting and ending dates/times of the weekend) it is considered to be a weekend schedule.
Note: The starting dates/times of the weekend are set up on the Weekend Assignment Code Parameters tab: Schedule Standard DOW 1 and 2 and Schedule Standard Time 1 and 2.
Valid Values:
Positive numbers.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
1D: Select the Assignment Codes Qualification Criteria
The Criteria section is where the employees that should receive this assignment are identified. The criteria options that are available were previously selected on the Assignment Source screen>Assignment Determination section screen.
To configure the criteria requirements, complete the following steps:
- With the Assignment Code record open, click on the Criteria section button in the left pane.
- Click on Add to add a new record. The following screen is displayed.
- Enter an Effective Date, a
Code and
Description to identify this Criteria record.The label describing this criteria code record.
The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation identifying this criteria record. There can be multiple criteria records that qualify for the same assignment.
- In the additional fields, enter the criteria options that identify employees who should be given this assignment. Note: If there are criteria options that are not displayed on this screen, additional options can be added (by authorized users) through the Assignment Source Screen>Assignment Determination button.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save this record.
- To add additional groups of employees to this assignment, click on the Add button again and complete steps 3 - 5. The groups given to this assignment are displayed.
- Click on Save to save the record.
Note: Employees must meet ALL the requirements within one of the Criteria records to qualify for the assignment.
- If employees do not qualify for any other assignment, they will automatically qualify for the All assignment, which does not have any qualification criteria. There is a default All assignment for every Assignment Source.
Step 2: Add the Weekend Validation to the Selection Styles
Since weekends are not tracked, the selection style used does not need to include the Weekend rule. However, if there are any employees in the same schedule who DO have weekend assignments, the Weekend rule must be selected.
- From the Configuration section>Scheduling card, select the Selection Styles page.
- Open the selection style being used with the automatic scheduling process.
- Open a scheduling pass.
- Point the cursor to the Weekend rule in the Available Rules column. Hold down the mouse button and drag the rule to the Selected Rules column.
- Repeat steps 3-4 for each pass to be validated.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.
Step 3: Enter the Employee Weekend Shift Eligibility Date
If an employee has a waiting period before he or she is eligible to participate in the Weekend assignment rotation, an eligibility date can be entered in the employee record.
- Search for an employee record using the Employee Search.
- Open the General screen>Parameters tab.
- In the Schedule Standard Date 1 field, enter a date when the employee is eligible to start the weekend assignment. If the employee does not have a waiting period, this field can be left blank.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.