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Schedule Incentive Agreement

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Searching for a Schedule Incentive Agreement Record

The Schedule Incentive Agreement Search screen is used to enter selection criteria when searching for specific records. Selected records can then be approved, denied, deleted or suspended.

Record Management

To locate specific records, enter the search criteria as described below, then click on the Search button. For more information, see Searching for a Record.

After entering the search criteria, all applicable records are displayed. To open and view a record, click the folder on the record. For more information, see Opening and Viewing a Record.

The icons under the Status column indicate the status of the request. Hover the cursor over the icon in the screen to view the description of the icon:


Indicates the supervisor has approved this agreement request.


Indicates this agreement request was denied by the supervisor.


Indicates that this agreement request has not been handled yet.


Indicates the schedule incentive rights of the employee have been suspended. The date range of the suspension are shown in the Expired and Next Eligible fields.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Effective Range Begin

Effective Range End

Employee Code

Employee First Name

Employee Last Name

Next Eligible Range Begin

Next Eligible Range End

Signed Range Begin

Signed Range End


The following related topics are available:

Viewing and/or Handling Schedule Incentive Agreements

Steps for Suspending an Incentive Agreement

Effective Range Begin

The first date of the range to search for effective dates of employee schedule incentive agreements. An agreement becomes effective when the supervisor approves the agreement signed by the employee.

More About Date Value Fields

Effective Range End

The last date of the range to search for effective dates of employee schedule incentive agreements. An agreement becomes effective when the supervisor approves the agreement signed by the employee.

More About Date Value Fields

Employee Code

The identification code of the employee who signed the schedule incentive agreement.

Employee First Name

The first name of the employee who signed the schedule incentive agreement.

Employee Last Name

The last name of the employee who signed the schedule incentive agreement.

Next Eligible Range Begin

The first date of the range to search to find schedule incentive agreement records that become eligible again. Employee agreements become ineligible when they are suspended, and are eligible again when the indicated number of suspension days has been fulfilled.

More About Date Value Fields

Next Eligible Range End

The last date of the range to search to find schedule incentive agreement records that become eligible again. Employee agreements become ineligible when they are suspended, and are eligible again when the indicated number of suspension days has been fulfilled.

More About Date Value Fields

Signed Range Begin

The first day of the date range to search for schedule incentive agreements that were signed within the range.

More About Date Value Fields

Signed Range End

The last day of the date range to search for schedule incentive agreements that were signed within the range.


The current status of the schedule incentive requests to be searched for. Options are Approved, Denied, Suspended, and Requested.

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane, depending on the page that is open:




Delete or Delete Selected

