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Schedule Incentive Agreement

The Schedule Incentive Agreement screen is used to view and approve existing agreements signed by employees for the schedule incentive process.

Depending on indicator settings, a signed agreement may be required in order for an employee to be allowed to participate in the schedule incentive process. If this is required, an employee will not be able to submit a bid for a schedule until an agreement has been signed and an error message is generated when the employee attempts to submit a bid.

Only one schedule incentive agreement can be effective at a time. When a new agreement is created, the current agreement is automatically expired, and the Expiration Date field is automatically set to the day before the Effective Date of the new agreement.

Note: SS Application Indicator Schedule Incentive Standard 1 determines whether employees are required to sign an agreement. This indicator is located on the Configuration section > System card > Application screen. Enter SS in the Code field and search. The indicator is located on the Schedule Incentive card.

The following related topics are available:

Searching for a Schedule Incentive Agreement Record

Viewing and/or Handling Schedule Incentive Agreements

Steps for Suspending an Incentive Agreement