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Open Self Schedule

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Adding a Self Scheduled Shift

Employees are able to add shifts only during open time frames. These time frames are determined by the values entered on the Self Schedule Tab on the Staffing Configuration screen for the organization unit selected.

On the days that self-scheduling is available, a drop down arrow appears on a schedule cell. Click on this arrow to open a listing of activity codes that are authorized for self scheduling. The authorized activity codes listed are set up on the Indicators tab on the Activity Codes screen.

To add a self scheduled shift, complete the following steps:

  1. From the tool bar, select the Employees button.
  2. Click on the My TimeCard button in the left pane.

    Note: Authorized users can submit requests for other employees. Use the Employee Search page to find and open the employee record.

  3. Click on the Open Self Schedule button in the Employee Actions section in the left pane.
  4. The schedule opens to the Range of the scheduling period including the current date. To scroll to the next scheduling period, click on the right arrow in the Current Display field. To scroll to the previous scheduling period, click on the left arrow.
  5. Select the Organization Unit and the Profile you wish to schedule.

    These options can be selected from the drop down arrow menus. If this information is not updated, the employee will be scheduled for the default values that are displayed in these fields. Note: The drop-down menu for the Organization Unit field is only available if the employee has positions in multiple Labor Distributions. The drop down menu for the Profile field is only available if an employee qualifies for more than one profile in the selected organization unit.

  6. In the My Schedule section, click on the drop down arrow for the indicated day to schedule. This icon is only displayed during the dates that self scheduling is available for the organization unit.
  7. A listing of authorized activity codes is displayed for selection. Highlight and click on the selected activity code.

    Note: Activity codes are only displayed here if the following conditions are met:

  8. The activity code is filled in the box for the selected day.
  9. Repeat steps 3-7 for all selected days.
  10. Click on the Save button in the left pane.
  11. The system validates all employee schedules submitted to determine if any scheduling assignment rules are being violated by adding the schedule. If rules are being violated, a message is displayed. Depending on role authorization, the user may have the option to override the warnings and continue with the save. Note: The self schedule rules validated are based on the settings from the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Staffing Configuration screen>Self Schedule tab>Self Scheduling Selection Style field of the organization unit.
  12. If authorized, the employee can select Yes to override the exceptions and save the record, or select No and adjust the schedule entries so that no rules are broken. If the employee is not authorized to override the exception, there are no Yes/No options and the employee must make an adjustment before the record can be saved.
  13. The scheduled shifts now show in the My Schedule grid with the symbol indicating these are pending shifts. Pending shifts can be edited and deleted from this screen. Once the employee schedules are published (or posted), they can only be edited or deleted through the Schedule screen

    Note: The assigned shift is for the activity code selected and the profile selected in the in the Current Display. To schedule a different profile, the new profile must be selected in the Profile field in the Current Display section in the left pane.

The following related topics are available:

Viewing the Self Schedule Screen

Staffing by Activity Codes

Editing a Self Scheduled Shift

Deleting a Self Scheduled Shift

Trading a Schedule - Legacy

Canceling a Shift Trade

Offering a Shift

Accepting an Offered Shift