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Canceling a Shift Trade

If an employee decides to Cancel a Traded Shift BEFORE it is approved by the supervisor, this can be done through the self schedule screen in the employee record. Either employee involved in the trade can cancel the trade before it is approved. After a trade has been approved, the schedules are entered into the organization unit schedule as published and must be updated individually though the schedule screen.

Note: Organization Unit Indicator Self Scheduling Standard 9 determines whether trades can only be canceled if they are still within the trading window defined by the Schedule Trade Advance Days setting in the Staffing Configuration screen.

To cancel a traded shift, complete the following steps:

  1. From the tool bar, select the Employees button.
  2. Click on the My TimeCard button in the left pane.

    Note: Authorized users can submit requests for other employees. Use the Employee Search page to find and open the employee record.

  3. Click on the Open Self Schedule button in the Employee Actions section in the left pane.
  4. In the My Schedule section of the self schedule screen, highlight the traded shift. Note: When the cursor is hovered over a shift, the tool tip appears with details regarding the shift.

    The Pending Trade dialog appears.

  5. To cancel the trade, click on the Cancel Trade button.
  6. Both employees are given back their original schedules.

Canceling a Trade Transaction Before it is Completed:

Sometimes, when an employee highlights a shift to be traded, he or she doesn't find any acceptable shifts to trade with, and would like to cancel the transaction.

To cancel a trade transaction, complete the following steps:

  1. Once a cell is selected for trading, it becomes color coded.

  2. If you cannot find any acceptable shifts to trade, click on this cell again.
  3. Click on the Cancel Trade button.

    The transaction is now canceled.

The following related topics are available:

Viewing the Self Schedule Screen

Staffing by Activity Codes

Adding a Self Scheduled Shift

Editing a Self Scheduled Shift

Deleting a Self Scheduled Shift

Trading a Schedule - Legacy

Offering a Shift

Accepting an Offered Shift