Staffing by Lookup
The Staffing by Lookup option opens a table to add, edit or view the staffing matrices for this staffing distribution record. A separate matrix is created for each acuity level to indicate the number of staff needed for each profile--within a coverage period--for the indicated range of patient census.
The number of matrices available for configuration are determined by the value entered in the Number of Acuity Levels field on the General tab. For example, if the number 4 was entered, there will be four acuity records available for configuration.
Note: The profiles available in this table must first be selected on the Profiles section screen of the Staffing Configuration table.
Creating a Staffing by Lookups Matrix
To create a Staffing by Lookups matrix, complete the following steps:
- Open the Staffing Configuration table for the required organization unit using the search features.
- On the General tab, make sure the Staffing by Lookups option has been chosen in the
Census Category field.The Staffing Distribution work sheet used by this organization for recalculating staffing needs. The value entered here determines the work sheet that is available when the Staffing Distributions button is selected in the left pane.
The menu has the following Census Category options:
Loads an alternate staffing matrix based on patient census and acuity.
Calculates the number of staff needed based on patient census and acuity, along with other factors, such as hours per patient day, percentages of care by coverage periods, etc.
Uses patient care hour information calculated by a third-party acuity system. These hours are then distributed to specified profiles in the organization.
Uses patient care hour information calculated by a third-party acuity system for profile groups. These hours are then distributed to specified profiles within the profile group.
- Select the Staffing Distributions section button in the left pane. A separate record is displayed for the
Number of Acuity Levels, as entered on the General screen. The number to the left of the record indicates the acuity level.The number of patient classification acuity levels that are being used by the Organization Unit. The value entered here determines the number of acuity levels available for configuration for the Staffing Distributions section.
- Click the card arrow on the first record to open it.
- Enter a
Description to identify this acuity level record.The label describing the distribution record. This label is displayed when running the Recalculate Staffing Needs wizard, to indicate which record to enter the patient census.
- If applicable, add a
Staffing Factor as a multiplier for the staffing levels. The factor used to multiply by the calculated hours to determine the adjusted staffing needs. In the Staffing by Lookups table, this value is used for reporting purposes only.
- The Coverage Period Distribution tabs indicate the coverage period being configured. The coverage periods displayed are determined by the
Coverage Set Code assigned on the General tab. The coverage set used by this Organization Unit, which defines the coverage periods in the staffing grid.
- For the first coverage period, indicate the
Needs (number of staff required) for zero patient census for each of the profiles listed in the grid.The number of staff that are needed to fill the staffing requirements, based on the indicated patient census.
Note: This is the number of staff, not the number of FTE's. If there is a 4-hour coverage period and 6 RN's are needed during that time, enter 6 and not 3.
- Click on the Add Row button to add another staffing level to the matrix.
- In the
Range Low Value field, enter the lowest value for the current range of the matrix. Note: The upper value of the range is determined by the Range Low Value of the next range. For example, if the third range level has a Range Low Value of 16, the upper range of the second acuity level includes values under 16. Note: All downloaded/entered census values that are higher than the Range Low Value of the final range will be assigned profile staff requirements from that final range.In the Range Low Value field, enter the lowest value for the current range of the matrix. Note: The upper value of the range is determined by the Range Low Value of the next range. For example, if the third range level has a Range Low Value of 5, the upper range of the second acuity level includes values under 5. Note: All downloaded/entered census values that are higher than the Range Low Value of the final range will be assigned profile staff requirements from that final range.
- For each profile, enter the number of staff required for that range of patient census. Note: If a profile's staffing level is not adjusted for patient census and acuity, it does not need to be configured. For example, if an organization unit always has one Unit Clerk or one Charge Nurse regardless of patient census and acuity, those profiles do not need to be configured on the matrix. Remove these profiles from the Profiles section screen, accessible from the left pane.
- Be sure to configure the tabs for all coverage periods for each range.
- Click on the Save button to save the records.
- To configure the rest of the acuity level matrix records, open the next record and complete steps 5-13 above.
Note: Values can be copied (replicated) from one coverage period to another and/or one acuity record to another. For more information, see Replicating Staffing Distribution Coverage Period Values and Replicating Staffing Distribution Acuity Values.
The label describing the distribution record. This label is displayed when running the Recalculate Staffing Needs wizard, to indicate which record to enter the patient census.
The number of staff that are needed to fill the staffing requirements, based on the indicated patient census.
Note: This is the number of staff, not the number of FTE's. If there is a 4-hour coverage period and 6 RN's are needed during that time, enter 6 and not 3.
Range Low Value
In the Range Low Value field, enter the lowest value for the current range of the matrix. Note: The upper value of the range is determined by the Range Low Value of the next range. For example, if the third range level has a Range Low Value of 5, the upper range of the second acuity level includes values under 5. Note: All downloaded/entered census values that are higher than the Range Low Value of the final range will be assigned profile staff requirements from that final range.
Staffing Factor
The factor used to multiply by the calculated hours to determine the adjusted staffing needs. In the Staffing by Lookups table, this value is used for reporting purposes only.