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Using the Quick Badge Feature

The Quick Badge section displays a screen for authorized employees to quickly enter clocking information into the system. If a user opens this screen and then Saves without adding information into any fields in this screen, the system uses the values set up on the employee's Primary Home labor distribution. Note: For more information, see the Employee section>Labor Distribution screen>Primary Home Labor Distribution.

To "clock in" using the quick badge, complete the following steps:

From the portal, click on the Quick Badge option in the tool bar.

To submit this entry, using all the information from the Primary Home labor Distribution

If a critical message is generated due to an expired license or education requirement, the employee may be unable to enter a clocking through this screen. The reason for the "lockout" can be viewed on the Home page>My Unread Messages card or in the Actions section>Employee card>Messages screen. Contact the appropriate supervisor to resolve the issue.

Note: The fields that are displayed on this screen are previously set up in the Configuration section>System card>Transaction Definition screen>Prompt Definition section where the Application Code field is set to QUICKBADGE. Not all options listed below may be displayed.

Note: Application Indicator System Standard 19 determines whether or not the labor distribution associated with a transaction is changed when a Quick Code is added to a transaction or a code already assigned to the transaction is changed. When this indicator is set to "N" (default), the labor distribution on the transaction is not changed. When set to "Y", the labor distribution is replaced with the labor distribution values associated with the Quick Code.