The Attendees button opens a roster displaying employees currently enrolled in this class and those who have submitted a request for enrollment in this class. Additional attendees can be added or current attendees can be removed from the roster.
Employees who have submitted a request to attend this class and employees who have withdrawn from this class can be displayed. The enrollment status of the employees is visible on the grid.
- To display attendees who have submitted a pending request to attend this class, click on the Show Requested box in the left pane to enter a check mark.
- To display attendees who are no longer actively enrolled in this class (have a status of Withdrawn) click on the Show Inactive box in the left pane to enter a check mark.
A listing of the prerequisites for this class is displayed in the message box at the top of the page (if applicable) and the employee compliance for the prerequisites is shown.
- Employees who have already taken the required prerequisite classes before the scheduled class have a prerequisite status of Qualified.
- Employees who have not completed all the required prerequisite classes before the scheduled class have a prerequisite status of Not Qualified. Depending on the authorization status of the user, the attendee may be allowed to enroll if the prerequisite class is already scheduled to be taken.
More About Prerequisite Override AuthorizationDepending on the Authorization role assigned to the employee, the following override options are available:
- No Override Authorization: When this policy is assigned to users, they can only schedule an employee or themselves into a class that requires prerequisites if the course prerequisites have already been completed.
- Override Scheduled Prerequisites: When this policy is assigned to users, they are able to schedule an employee or themselves into a class that requires prerequisites if the course prerequisites are currently scheduled – not necessarily completed. Whether or not users have this role, they will receive a warning on each employee that does not meet prerequisite requirements. It allows them to still enroll those employees that are scheduled to take the prerequisite classes before the class, but it will not allow them to schedule those who have not completed the prerequisites and are not currently scheduled. Note: The prerequisite course must end on or before the start time of the class requiring it.
- Override All Prerequisites: If this policy is assigned to users, they can schedule anyone into any class that requires prerequisites, even if those prerequisites have not been met or scheduled. They still receive a warning at the time of enrolling the person but, they are not prevented from enrolling anyone.
Multiple Course Prerequisites:
When a course has multiple prerequisites, the lowest prerequisite status (i.e. incomplete, scheduled, complete) determines if the employee can be enrolled in the scheduled class for the course. See the following example:
Prerequisite 1 Status
Prerequisite 2 Status
Enrollment Allowed?
No Overrides
Enrollment Allowed?
Override Scheduled
Enrollment Allowed?
Override All
Lowest status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Scheduled
Lowest Status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Scheduled
Lowest Status = Complete
Depending on the authorization role of the user, the following actions may be available:
Adding an Attendee Note: If the class is already filled to capacity, the Add button is disabled.
To add one or more attendee to a class, complete the following steps:
- Click on the Add button in the left pane. The Employee Search screen is displayed. Note: If the class is already filled to capacity, the Add button is disabled.
- Enter the search criteria, using either the Basic or Advanced Search mode and click on the Search button.
- To select one or more employee record, click the selection box to the left of the record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
- Click on the add employee icon
to the left of one of the records. All selected employees are added to the class roster.Note: When attendees are added to a Class Group, they are added to the roster of all classes in the group.
Filtering the Attendee List
All employees currently enrolled as Attendees for this class are displayed on the screen. To limit the number of records displayed, a filter can be applied.
- Click the card arrow on the Filter Criteria bar and enter the name to filter criteria.
- When the criteria have been entered, click on the Filter button to apply the filter.
- To remove the filter and display all records, click on the Remove Filter button.
Deleting an Attendee
To remove one or more Attendees from the class, complete the following steps:
- From the Configuration section > Education Tracking card, open the Class Group screen.
- Search for and open the class group record to be updated.
- Click on the Attendees section button in the left pane.
- Click on the Delete button in the left pane. The Employee Search screen is displayed.
- Check the box on each record to be removed.
- Click on the Delete Selected button in the left pane.
- A message appears verifying the record should be deleted. Click on Yes to continue.
- The status of the employee is changed to Withdrawn. Note: Attendees with a status of Withdrawn are only included on the listing when the Show Inactive box (in the left pane) is checked.
Note: When attendees are deleted from a Class Group, they are removed from the roster of all classes in the group.
The employee identification code of the attendee.
Enrollment Status
The status of the employee related to the enrollment into this class (e.g. Enrolled, Withdrawn, Walk-In).
More About Enrollment Status Options
The following Enrollment Status options are available:
The employee is currently registered to take this class.
The employee's request to attend this class was denied by an authorized user. (Not currently used)
The employee was enrolled in the class, but the class was then canceled. (Not currently used)
The employee has requested to attend this class, but the request has not yet been handled.
The employee was enrolled in this class, but then withdrew his/her enrollment.
The employee attended this class without being enrolled. Note: This status is entered by the system if the employee transaction status is set to Passed/Present, Failed or Incomplete but the employee Enrollment status was never set to Enrolled.
First Name
The first name of the attendee.
Last Name
The last name of the attendee.
Prerequisite Status
Displays the attendee's status for meeting the course prerequisite requirements (Qualified, Not Qualified).
- Employees who have already taken the required prerequisite classes before the scheduled class have a prerequisite status of Qualified.
- Employees who have not completed all the required prerequisite classes before the scheduled class have a prerequisite status of Not Qualified. Depending on the authorization status of the user, the attendee may be allowed to enroll if the prerequisite class is already scheduled to be taken.
More About Prerequisite Override Authorization
Depending on the Authorization role assigned to the employee, the following override options are available:
- No Override Authorization: When this policy is assigned to users, they can only schedule an employee or themselves into a class that requires prerequisites if the course prerequisites have already been completed.
- Override Scheduled Prerequisites: When this policy is assigned to users, they are able to schedule an employee or themselves into a class that requires prerequisites if the course prerequisites are currently scheduled – not necessarily completed. Whether or not users have this role, they will receive a warning on each employee that does not meet prerequisite requirements. It allows them to still enroll those employees that are scheduled to take the prerequisite classes before the class, but it will not allow them to schedule those who have not completed the prerequisites and are not currently scheduled. Note: The prerequisite course must end on or before the start time of the class requiring it.
- Override All Prerequisites: If this policy is assigned to users, they can schedule anyone into any class that requires prerequisites, even if those prerequisites have not been met or scheduled. They still receive a warning at the time of enrolling the person but, they are not prevented from enrolling anyone.
Multiple Course Prerequisites:
When a course has multiple prerequisites, the lowest prerequisite status (i.e. incomplete, scheduled, complete) determines if the employee can be enrolled in the scheduled class for the course. See the following example:
Prerequisite 1 Status
Prerequisite 2 Status
Enrollment Allowed?
No Overrides
Enrollment Allowed?
Override Scheduled
Enrollment Allowed?
Override All
Lowest status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Scheduled
Lowest Status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Scheduled
Lowest Status = Complete
A check mark indicates whether the course is scheduled. If an employee does not meet all the prerequisite qualifications, they may or may not be able to schedule the class, based on their authorization level.
Click the expand arrow to open and view details, including the date the class is scheduled.
Note: If more than one class is required as a prerequisite, the check mark is only displayed if all classes are scheduled or completed.
The employee status of the attendee (e.g. active, inactive, terminated, etc.).
Transaction Status
The employee's status for this class transaction (i.e. Canceled, Failed, Incomplete, Passed, No Show, or Withdrawn). Note: Only transaction status options with the Passed field set to Yes will fulfill the educational requirements of the course.
If an employee score does not meet or exceed the Minimum Score entered in the course/competency configuration screen, the class status is automatically set to Failed.
Note: The options available have been previously set up on the Configuration section>Education Tracking card>Education Transaction Status screen.
Action Buttons
The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane for adding or deleting related records:
The Add button opens a screen where authorized users can create a new record.
To add a new record, complete the following steps:
- From the right pane, click on the Add button.
- A screen is displayed to enter values. The fields with an asterisk are required and must be completed before the record can be saved.
- Click on the Save button to save the record,
Note: For more information, see Adding a New Record.
Delete Selected
The Delete button is used to remove one or more records from a screen.
To delete a record, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be deleted.
A check mark is displayed
- Click the Delete button.
- If a single record is open, select the Delete button (there are no boxes to select the record).
- A message is displayed verifying the record should be deleted. Click on Yes to continue.
The following Actions are available when handling employee class enrollment requests.
Select the Approve button to indicate the selected employees are allowed to enroll in the class. The employees' names are added to the class roster.
To approve one or more records, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be approved.
A check mark is displayed
- Click on the Approve button.
The enrollment status of the selected employees is changed to Enrolled.
Select the Cancel button to indicate the requests for the selected employees should be canceled.
To approve one or more records, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be approved.
A check mark is displayed
- Click on the Cancel button.
The enrollment status of the selected employees is changed to Canceled.
Select the Deny button to not allow the selected employees to enroll in the class. Employees may be denied if more employees request than the maximum allowed enrollment.
To deny enrollment, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each request to be denied.
A check mark is displayed.
- Click on the Deny button.
The enrollment status of the selected employees is changed to Denied.