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The Exception Value screen opens a view of all the exceptions tracked by the system. Examples of exceptions are missed clocking information, an employee badging at an unauthorized input device, employees trying to schedule a shift which causes them to exceed their approved hours, etc.
Depending on the Severity Level assigned to a payroll exception code, these codes can appear on the LaborView as a Critical Exception, a Warning Exception or an Informational Exception. Critical Exceptions must be resolved by the supervisor before payroll processing can be completed for that employee.
With Scheduling Exception Values, users may be able to override exception messages based on the Severity Level assigned to the exception and the Role permission of the user.
Note: If the user is able to override the exception then the level displayed in the message is Warning regardless of the actual exception definition severity level. If the user is not able to override the error then the level is displayed as Critical regardless of the exception definition. For example, if an exception is defined as a Warning in this screen and the user can only override an Informational message, the severity level appears as Critical in the message.
For more information, see More About Overriding Schedule Validations
Depending on Roles assigned to users, they may be able to override validation messages and continue to add, edit, or approve a schedule. If users do not have the authorization to override the exception, there is no option to continue and save the transaction.
Override access is determined by:
Maximum Severity Level Override Allowed by the User's Role
Depending on the role assigned to users, they may be able to override the exception message generated when a scheduling rule is violated by adding, editing, or approving a request for a schedule.
The roles are found in the Configuration section>System card>Roles screen.
In the Maximum Severity Level field, indicate the severity level of the validation exception that can be overridden. Severity levels (in order of severity) are Critical, Warning, and Informational. All exceptions with that severity level or below can be overridden for assigned users. For example, if this value is set to Warning, this user can override validation exceptions of Warning and Informational, but cannot override exceptions with a severity level of Critical. If no value is entered in this field, the user cannot override ANY level of exception message.
Severity Level of the Exception
Severity levels for a validation rule are set up on the Configuration section>System card>Exception Value screen, in the Severity Level field. Severity levels (in order of severity) are Critical, Warning, Informational, or None.
Note: The severity level displayed in the warning message may not match the value set up on this screen. If the user is able to override the error, then the level is displayed as Warning regardless of the actual exception definition severity level. If the user is not able to override the error then the level is displayed as Critical regardless of the exception definition.
Record Management
Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available. Note: The options listed below are not available for some screens.
Authorized users can Add a New Record by completing the following steps:
Note: For more information, see Adding a New Record in the Help section>Record Management.
Authorized users can Delete existing records. Open records can be deleted by clicking on the Delete or Delete Selected button in the left pane.
To delete one or more records that are not open, complete the following steps:
Note: For more information, see Deleting a Record under the Help section>Record Management.
Authorized users can make Edits to add or update information in existing records.
The Field Look Up Values are displayed in the right pane.
The List Selector icon to the right of a field opens a listing of valid values for a field from the related configuration screen.
The Drop Down Menu arrow to the right of a field opens a menu of valid options for a field.
A Calendar is available in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane for date fields. If there is no right pane, the Date Selector icon is displayed.
Note: For more information, see Editing a Record in the Help section>Record Management.
To Open and View existing records, complete the following steps:
Note: For more information, see Opening and Viewing a Record in the Help section>Record Management screen.
Authorized users can use the Replace feature to update multiple selected records at the same time with the same field information or the same indicator and/or parameter values. Note: Not all screens have the Replace feature available.
A screen is displayed with all replaceable fields showing as read only.
Note: For more information, see Replacing Record Values under the Help section>Record Management.
The Search page is the default page when a screen is opened. This screen is used to filter criteria when searching for a specific record.
Note: For more information on searching for an existing record, see Searching for a Record in the Help section. For more information on the Action buttons available in the left pane after the search is completed, see Search Action Buttons. For more information on setting the check boxes default to be checked or unchecked, see the Preferences section>My Preferences card>List screen.
Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to view a description of the fields. |
Indicates whether this exception definition code is available for use in the system (Yes/No).
The type of exception this code represents, as selected from the drop down menu. Options include Calculation, Posting, Interface, Scheduling, or Download Distributions.
Determines the type of system classification (e.g. Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated).
More About Classification Options
The Classification options are as follows:
A record that is core to the system and included for all clients. |
A record that was custom designed for a specific client. |
A record that was created by a user in the system. When a new record is entered in the screen by clicking on the Add button, it is automatically given a status of User-Defined. |
A record that was copied from an existing record, and then updated to change certain settings. When a new record is created by clicking on the Replicate button, it is automatically given a status of Replicated. |
The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation for the exception definition.
The label describing the exception definition code.
Description Template
The label describing this exception record. In a Replicated exception, this field displays the description of the original record used as a template. The description of the original exception can be updated to make the description unique to the replicated record.
Displayed on Exception Summary
Indicates whether this exception message is included in the Exception Summary report (Yes/No).
Effective Dated
Indicates whether the pending exception message is displayed only on or after the date of the transaction generating the message has passed (Yes/No).
Help Link
Opens a network path to access documentation for help with solutions or instructions on the handling of this exception message.
Help Text
A free-form text box for information on the exception message, for example instructions or solutions for handling the exception.
Severity Level
Indicates the seriousness of the exception message. Options, in descending order of severity, include Critical, Warning, Informational, or None. Authorized users are able to override exceptions of a certain severity, depending on their assigned role.
Action Buttons
The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane, depending on the page that is open:
Click on the Add button to open a screen to configure a new record.
Complete the following steps to add a new record:
The List Selector icon opens a screen to select valid options for a specific field. Depending on the field, the values on this list may be set up on the corresponding configuration screen, or may be standard or client-defined values in the system.
Click on the icon to the right of a field to open the List Selector screen. Click the selected value to load it to the field.
Note: This listing option is used in screens when the right pane is not available to display the Field Look Up Values.
If specific values are required for a field, valid options may be displayed in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane. Usually, these values are previously set up on the corresponding Configuration screen. Scroll down the list to find the required value using the vertical scroll bar to the right of the list.
Note: If the first few characters are typed into the field, the list automatically scrolls to the values beginning with the corresponding values.
Screens that do not have a right pane available have the list selector icon to open a listing of valid values. Click this icon to open the list.
Note: Organization Unit information may need to be entered before values are displayed. For example, when accessing a Job Class field, the job class options available are linked to specific organization units. The organization unit where job classes are created must be entered before the options are displayed.
If specific standard values are required for a field, valid options may be displayed in a Drop Down Menu. These are usually standard options, or may be client defined. The values are not accessible through a configuration screen.
Click on the drop down menu arrow to display the options.
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
Note: For more information and screen prints, see Adding a New Record.
The Advanced button loads the expanded search criteria mode with additional fields for locating a record. When the Basic search mode is loaded, the button shows as Advanced. When the Advanced search mode is loaded, the button shows as Basic.
Note: The user can set whether the Basic or Advanced search mode is automatically loaded for each screen. This setting is found under Preferences section>My Preferences card>Search screen>Mode tab. The Advanced/Basic buttons only display on screens with Advanced search capabilities.
The Audits button in the left pane opens a screen to view changes to records in the open page. The audit trail displays information on additions, edits and deletions, including the date and time the change was made, the type of change (inserted, updated, deleted), the description of the change, the name of the person making the change, and the original and new values.
The audit records can be grouped and sorted by one of the following options: application, audit date, audit description, classification, or who modified. To change the sort, click the drop down arrow near the Group By field in the Audit List Actions to open the record, then select the grouping from the list.
Group by Application
Groups the audit records by the application where the changes were made.
Group by Audit Date
Groups all the audits by the date when changes were made.
Group by Audit Description
Groups the audit report by the description of the edits that were made.
Group by Classification
Groups the audit records by whether the record was inserted, updated, or deleted.
Group by Who Modified
Groups the audit records by the user who made the updates.
The Delete or Delete Selected button is used to remove one or more records from a screen.
Complete the following steps:
A check mark is displayed in each selected box.
Note: For more information, see Deleting a Record.
The Replace button opens a screen to update one or more field values for all the records selected in the search. This feature can be used to update multiple records with the same field information.
A screen is displayed with all the fields as read only.
The Parameter tab opens a screen where processing settings are established. These settings can be changed by authorized users to customize the functionality of the system.
Parameter options are stored on category cards to make them easier to locate. Click the card arrow to open the card and view the parameter options contained on that card.
The parameter naming convention is as follows:
Screen name + "Parameter" + Category Card + Classification +
Type + Number
The type of value required for this parameter (e.g. alpha, date, day of week, hour, integer, pay code, rate, time, percent, or premium category).
The following are the valid options for parameter types:
Alpha |
The field will accept any letters, numbers, or characters on the keyboard. |
Date |
The field will accept any properly formatted date. When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field. |
The field will accept a day of the week. When this type is selected, the days of the week are available in the drop down menu under Default Value. |
Hour |
The field will accept any positive or negative whole and/or decimal value. The system will add a decimal point and trailing zeros up to two places. For example, if 3.5 is entered, the system converts this to 3.50. |
Integer |
The field will accept any positive or negative whole numbers (no decimals). |
Pay Code |
A valid pay code should be entered. There is no validation done when the record is saved. |
Rate |
The field will accept any positive or negative whole and/or decimal value. The system will add a decimal point and trailing zeros up to five places. For example, if 18.2 is entered, the system converts this to 18.20000. |
Time |
The field will accept any properly formatted time value. When a field requires a Time Value, the value must be formatted in 24-hour time. This means after noon, the hour value entered should have 12 added to the hour value shown on the clock. For example, if the time is 3:00 pm, the correct value in 24-hour format is 15:00 (12+3 = 15).
Percent |
The field will accept any positive or negative whole and/or decimal value. The system will add a decimal point and two trailing zeros. For example, if 3.5 is entered, the system converts this to 3.50. |
Premium Category |
When this option is selected, the user can select a Default Classification and Default Premium Category Number from the right pane. |
Determines the type of system classification (e.g. Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated).
Unlike indicators, there are no predefined options to enter into the parameter screen. The value that can be entered is limited by the Type of parameter allowed. For example, if this parameter has a Type of Date, only a date may be entered in the field; if the parameter has a Type of Integer, only numeric values can be entered in the field, etc. Depending on the setting in the Required field on the Parameter screen, a value may be required, or the system may allow this field to remain empty (null).
A Default setting can be created which is the setting automatically assigned when a new record is created. From that point forward, all new records will get the default setting. Note: An updated default setting is not applied to any existing records.
For more information on Parameters, see the documentation under the Configuration section>System card>Parameter screen.
The Indicator tab opens a screen where processing settings are established. These settings can be changed by authorized users to customize the functionality of the system.
Indicator options are stored on category cards to make them easier to locate. Click the card arrow to open the card and view the indicator options contained on that card.
Indicator naming convention is as follows:
Screen name + "Indicator" + Category name + Classification + Number
Determines the type of system classification (e.g. Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated).
For example, the Standard indicator on the Pay Group screen on the System category card that is listed First, is named Pay Group Indicator System Standard 1.
On the indicator screen, there are predefined options that the user can select from the right pane. There is a Default setting, which is the setting automatically assigned when a new record is created. The Default setting can be changed for the system in the Configuration section>System card>Indicator screen. From that point forward, all new records will get the default setting. Note: An updated default setting is not applied to any existing records.
Note: The system does not allow the user to use this feature to replace "key" identification fields. A Duplicate Key error message is generated. For example, because the "key" identification field for a Holiday record is the Code, the system does not allow a user to replace multiple holiday records with the same Code. The Code for each Holiday record must be unique.
Note: For more information and screen prints, see the section in Record Management under Replacing Record Values.
The Replicate button copies all general, detail, indicator, and parameter attributes of an existing record, so the setup of a new record requires less time. The General screen opens so you can update general field values for the new record.
Note: "Key" identification fields must be unique or a Duplicate Key error message is generated. For example, because the "key" identification field for a Holiday record is the Code, the system does not allow a user to replicate a holiday record with the same Code. The Code for each Holiday record must be unique.
All selected records are now updated, with the new information replacing the old information in the selected fields.