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Request to Work

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Submitting a Request to Work

Complete the following steps to submit a request to work:

  1. From the Employee section>Section screen select the Request to Work option in the left pane.
  2. Enter a Start Date and End Date to define the date range to search for a schedule opening. Note: The resulting list will only include the schedules that fall within the Request to Work Period, based on the Staffing Configuration of the organization unit of each Profile.
  3. In the Display Result field, select whether to group the resulting schedule options by schedule Date or by Organization Unit.
  4. To include only certain activity codes, enter a value in the Activity Code field.
  5. To include only schedules in specific Organization Units (and children organization units), enter the values in the appropriate fields.
  6. Click the Search button.

    The results list shows all unfilled schedules that the employee is qualified to work. This list is divided into cards sorted by either date or by organization unit, depending on the option chosen.

    Note: If there are no available schedules during the indicated date range, a message is displayed:

  7. Click the card arrow on the record to expand a card and view the activity code/profile options available.
  8. To select a schedule, click the box to the left of the record. Clicking on this box alternately adds and removes the selection check mark.
  9. A Comment can be entered to give the reason the request to work is being submitted. This field is optional.
  10. Click on the Save button to save the record.
  11. A validation process is run to verify that no scheduling rules are violated by accepting the schedule(s), such as overtime, license qualifications, etc. The rules verified are determined by the Request to Work Selection Style selected in the Staffing Configuration screen of the organization unit of the schedule.
  12. If no error messages are generated, or the error is overridden, a Request to Work is submitted.
  13. Supervisors handle the request through the Request to Work screen. See the Actions section>Approval card>Request to Work documentation for more details on handling these requests.
  14. If the request is approved, the schedule is added to the Schedule screen of the related organization unit and to all other schedule screens where the employee is included.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.


Activity Code


Display Result

End Date

Organization Unit


Start Date

Schedule Date


This section, Submitting a Request to Work, explains how to use the feature from the Employee Actions section on the employee record screen. With the update to the Monthly View screen in version 09.00.00, requesting to work became easier and your organization has the choice as to when the legacy method of requesting to work will disappear. The WEB application indicator System Standard 17 is used to remove the legacy functionality for the Request to Work feature.

Activity Code

Limits the available schedules by the activity code assignment of the schedule.

Note: Regular expressions may be used to search for and locate activity codes.

Configuration Note: Only schedules with activity codes that are authorized to participate in Requests to Work are included. Authorized activity codes have the Activity Code Indicator SS Solution Standard 2 set to Y (activity counts towards coverage totals) and Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 7 set to Y (activity can be submitted for request to work).


Free-form text field for entering any information on this request.

Display Result

Determines whether the resulting schedule options should be sorted by date or by organization unit. The results are listed on cards by this option.

End Date

The last date of the range to search for needs by the Request To Work screen. When no value is entered, no value is displayed on the search screen and the 'calculated' value of the Request to Work End Date is used in the search.

More About Date Value Fields

Organization Unit

Limits the search results to schedule assignments that include the specified organization unit and its children. The organization units available and the labels displayed depend on the configuration of the corporation.


The profile code associated with the requested schedule. Built into the profile are the position, station, and skill requirements.

Start Date

The earliest date of the date range to search for available schedules. When no value is entered, today’s date is used as the start date value.

More About Date Value Fields

Schedule Date

The calendar date the schedule is to occur.

More About Date Value Fields