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Exclusion Time Tab

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Monthly - Day

The Monthly - Day button opens a screen to configure exclusions that take place during certain times on a specific day of the month and/or certain months. For example, an exclusion can be configured to restrict access to a feature between 0600 and 0900 on the first day of the month, or on the 15th day of January, April, July, and October.


On the General tab, enter the Start Time and the End Time of the time frame on the selected dates and months.


On the Months tab, for each Month that this exclusion is to be effective, select Yes from the drop down menu.

Days of Month

On the Days of Month tab, indicate the Days of the Month in the calendar when the exclusion should be in effect.

Action Buttons

The following action buttons are available:



Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Days of Month

End Time


Start Time

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:


Monthly - Days of Week

Pay Period


Days of Month

Enter the calendar dates when this exclusion is effective by setting the value to Yes. For example, if this exclusion should take place on the first day and the fifteenth day of the month, set the 1 and 15 values to Yes.

End Time

The time of day that this feature exclusion time should end, expressed in 24-hour format. The exclusion time frame includes all minutes on or after the Start Time and before the End Time.

For example, if the exclusion start time is set to 7:00, and the end time was set at 8:00, the employee could not access the feature between 7:00 and 7:59.

More About Time Value Fields


Indicate the months when this exclusion is effective by setting the values to Yes.

Start Time

The time of day that this feature exclusion time should begin, expressed in 24-hour format. The exclusion time frame includes all minutes on or after the Start Time and before the End Time.

For example, if the exclusion start time is set to 7:00, and the end time was set at 8:00, the employee could not access the feature between 7:00 and 7:59.

More About Time Value Fields