Authorized users can enter either a non-productive Activity Code or a non-productive Pay Code into this screen to indicate the code that should be scheduled and/or paid during the date range of the unavailability request. When the request is approved, the Create Schedule Process will enter the Activity Code or Pay Code directly into the schedule on the following days:
- Days the employee has a core rotating schedule when running core schedule passes.
- Days that the employee would ordinarily be scheduled when running need-based passes.
- Days that match the days of the week for recurring unavailability, if the employee would ordinarily be scheduled either with a core schedule or a need-based schedule.
Note: Organization Unit Indicator, Schedule Process, Schedule Standard 4 is used to determine if the Replacement Activity function is activated when the Create Schedule Process is run. If this feature is not enabled, the Pay Code and Activity Code fields are not visible.
More About Organization Unit Indicator Schedule Process, Schedule Standard 4.
Organization Unit Indicator Schedule Standard 4 determines whether the Request Off Replacement feature is being used by the organization unit when the create schedule process is run.
Note: This feature only ADDS replacement activity codes/pay codes to a schedule--it will NOT REMOVE existing activity codes that are already scheduled and replace them with new codes. Hint: An employee schedule can be cleared first and then the scheduling process re-run to populate the replacement activity codes/pay codes.
Valid Indicator Options:
The schedule process does not use the request off replacement feature
The choice is not made at this level. Refer to the parent organization unit to determine the setting.
The schedule process uses the request off replacement feature.
This indicator is found in the Configuration screen>Organization Unit card>Organization Unit screen>General section>Indicators tab>Schedule Process category card.
The non-productive pay code the employee should receive on the scheduled days during the unavailability request date range. If this field is filled in, the Activity Code field is disabled.
Note: This field is only visible if the Request Off Replacement Feature is enabled.
The non-productive activity code the employee should receive on the scheduled days during the unavailability request date range. If this field is filled in, the Pay Code field is disabled.
Activity codes available in the Field Look Up values are assigned to the employee's home labor distribution AND are set to be non-productive (
Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 is set to N.)
Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 determines whether an activity code is productive or non-productive.
Valid Indicator Options:
This activity code is non-productive.
This activity code is productive.
Note: This indicator is found in the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Activity Codes screen>Indicators tab>Schedule Process card.
Note: This field is only visible if the Request Off Replacement Feature is enabled.