Submitting Recurring Unavailability Through the Monthly View Screen
Employees can submit recurring unavailability from the Monthly View screen.
- Click the day(s) of the week to submit as recurring unavailability.
- To select non-consecutive days, left click on each additional day to include in your entry. Left click again to de-select a day previously selected. All days that are selected will be highlighted in gray.
- To select consecutive days, left click the first day and drag your mouse curser to the last day. All the days in between the first day and last day will be selected and will be highlighted in gray.
- Under Employee Actions, click Add Unavailability.
The Unavailability entry screen appears.
- If needed, select Recurring Unavailability from the Classification menu.
- Enter the Start Time and End Time.
- As needed, enter or update the other fields, such as Reason.
- Click Save.
Once the request is approved, the unavailability icon
appears on each day of the request.