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Employee Educational Requirements

This report lists all the curricula the selected employees are required to take, based on the employee labor distribution or individual assignments. The report lists the employee name, number, status, and job class. For each assignment level (e.g. organization unit, job class, position, etc.) the report lists the curriculum assignments for the employee. If a curriculum is not completed for an employee, a notation in red indicates the curriculum is Incomplete.

When the Show Assignment Details option is set to Yes, the report also includes details on the curriculum assignment, including categories, effective and expiration dates, whether the category is mandatory, frequency, expiration type, default expiration date, carryover days, grace period, and eligibility end date. Course/competency details include the course name, last taken date, next scheduled date, and last status.

When the Show Assignment Details option is set to No, the curriculum assignment lists the curriculum name and description, the assignment level, effective date and expiration date.

Report parameters include the following options: