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Auto Schedule Passes

The Auto(matic) Schedule option defines the passes for the scheduling process, including the sequence of the passes, the rules validated with each pass, and the sort order of qualifying employees.

For more information, see Steps for Adding an Auto Schedule Selection Style.

When a Pass record is open for the Automatic Schedule Creation option, the following additional section options are displayed:

Selection Rule

Opens a screen to select the rule used with this pass of the Selection Style (e.g. Core Schedules, Core Staffing Plan or Staffing Plan). Choose the rule from the Field Look Up Values.

Qualification Rules

Opens a screen to determine employee qualification criteria for each pass. Drag rules listed from the Available qualification rules table to the Selected qualification rules table.

Sorting Rules

Opens a screen to view and maintain sorting of employee names returned in a specific pass. Drag applicable rules from the Available sorting rules to the Selected sorting rules table. Sorting rules need additional configuration to determine the point value, sort direction, etc.

The following related topics are available:

Edit Validation Passes

Scheduling Assistant Call In Passes

Scheduling Assistant Call Off Passes

Action Buttons

The following Actions are available in the left pane when the Passes button is selected:


Copy Selected

Delete Selected

Update Order