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Set up Qualified Staff

When setting up qualified staff, think about who you would want to call in and from where. If you need to fill an RN shift, where would you want to get that person from? If you are in a pharmacy department, where would you get someone to fill an open shift?

In this example, you need to fill an RN shift. You would want to find a replacement from the RN's department first. If there is no one available, you might try looking in a sister unit next. Then you might want to look in float departments. If there are no RNs available there either, then you might decide to look in other inpatient units in the hospital. Finally, in a worst-case scenario, you may need to find any available RN. In this case, the sequence would look like the following:
1. Department - exact matches
2. Sister units
3. Float resources
4. Other inpatient units in the hospital
5. Any available

Where you choose to look and the sequence you establish is determined by your organization. Organization units may have entirely different needs; however, there is only one setup per organization unit. Each organization unit may not necessarily use every level. Using the previous example, if you were trying to fill a position in the pharmacy, you might jump from Qualification Level 1 (exact match) to Qualification Level 5 (any available) since the levels in between may not apply.

This section allows you to define which employees appear on the Qualified Staff tab of the Current Staffing Overview. To set up qualified staff, see the following sections:

The following related topics are available:

Assign the Authorization Roles

Set the SS Application Indicator

Set the Activity Code and Pay Code Indicators

Set the Organization Unit Indicators

Set the Profile Indicators

Update the Staffing Configuration

Create Profile Groups