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View Employee Transaction Details


The schedule and clocking details give you more information about the individual transactions and how they affect the overall status of the organization unit or schedule group.

The Details dialog box includes the following information:

  1. Header area shows the employee’s name, labor distribution, and ActiveRoster status
  2. Schedule and clocking information (left side of the dialog box)

    Click a schedule or clocking row to view the details in the right pane. For information on editing existing schedules or clockings, see Edit a Transaction.

  3. Add, edit, and delete functions and the details of the selected schedule or clocking (right side of the dialog box)

    For more information, see Working with Transactions.

  4. Open Time Card button

    If you need additional employee information, clicking the button opens a new tab in the browser that shows the employee's Time Card Screen (TCS).

The following related topics are available:

View a Summary of ActiveRoster Information

View the Roster

Time and Attendance-only Environment