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View the Roster


The roster shows the employee’s name, code, ActiveRoster status, and scheduled profile and organization unit.

The statuses help you determine if employees were on time, late, or early, and whether employees clocked in to the organization unit or profile they were scheduled in. The items in the Status column are totaled up and shown in the summary area at the top of the screen.

For details about the statuses, see View a Summary of ActiveRoster Information.

Note: If Multiple appears in the Status column, then there are at least two statuses that apply to the employee. For example, if the employee clocked in to a unit that is different than the unit they were scheduled in, they would have one status of, for example, On Time and a second status of Labor Distribution Mismatch.
Hover over the information symbol ActiveRoster_info_symbol to view the items that are causing Multiple to appear.

The roster lists employees who match any of the following criteria:

The following related topics are available:

View a Summary of ActiveRoster Information

View Employee Transaction Details

Time and Attendance-only Environment