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Has Calendar Requests

This Supervisor LaborView lists supervisors who have employees with pending Calendar requests.

Click the folder to the left of the supervisor's name to open the Employee LaborView record for that supervisor. Note: The default Employee LaborView option for the currently logged in user is displayed.

The following pending request icons may be displayed:

* Add Adjustment

* Edit Adjustment

* Delete Adjustment

These icons indicate a request to add, edit, or delete an adjustment transaction.

* Add Calendar

* Edit Calendar

* Delete Calendar

These icons indicate a request to add, edit, or delete a calendar transaction.

* Add Clocking

* Edit Clocking

* Delete Clocking

These icons indicate a request to add, edit, or delete a clocking transaction.

The following related topics are available:

Contact Information

Has Absence

Has Approvals Remaining

Has Clocking Requests

Has Critical Exception(s)

Has No Exception(s)

Has Information Exception(s)

Has No Tardy or Absence

Has Pending Exception(s)

Has Tardy

Has Warning Exception(s)

Pay Period Overview